Random emotions

Profile photo for tyler x
Not Yet Rated


Random emotions for different emotions for the emotions of the work's emotion.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, fifties brainpan and minus. So did you want to talk about? Hey, your dad basically man in the head? So would you want to talk about Hey, hope your day's going Abandon my news. So, what do you want to talk about? Hey, I hope you're things. Glad abandon my son. What do you want to talk about? Hey, I hope your day's kind bad in line is So what did you want to talk about? The accident has happened. How many? That actually it's happened. Leave. That actually just happened. Wow. Common either. No, she just happened. Oh, come out of the way. That actually just happened. Well, I don't believe it. Ice cream chick? Yeah. Look, I screamed. Cheque Pizza cheque. Come forgetting something. I've got a belt. A cake. Ice cream cheque paints a cheque. I think it come forgetting something. The birthday cake. I screamed. Cheque. Pizza cheque. I think I'm getting something. I forgot the birthday cake share. Hi. Screen cheque. Keep the cheque like I'm forgetting something. I forgot the birthday cake. I screamed. Cheque Pizza, cheque e I feel like I'm forgetting something. Uh, I forgot the birthday cake for good.