Video Narration


This demo showcases Lauren's versatility and relatability. She can voice anything from the Girl Next Door to Nurturing Mother, to Knowledgeable Professor.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what could be better than a chocolate cake? Getting to eat the whole thing by yourself and in less than a minute, introducing Duncan Hines perfect for one decadent chocolate cake. When you care about babies as much as we do, you want them to have the best make their world happy, healthy and safe with the baby. Earth's organic Baby collection as Comfortable is wearing PJs Outdoors are sweat pants from Lululemon are easy and cool. You go girl Low and Sugar and calories a new energy drink for women Go Girl energy. Get moving. For all the benefits in these economic times, arts and music programs are at risk. All across the US. Go to network for good dot org's and use thes links to donate and volunteer. Nationally. It's time to face the music. I am disgusting. I leave a pile of clothes on the floor for days and not even think twice about it. That's why I hired Big Apple Organizer's. They came, they saw they conquered No joke