Through Us - Conversational, Inspirational, Motivational, Religious, Caring

Profile photo for Jesse Adam
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Natural & believable are the first two words that comes to most client’s minds when describing Jesse's voice. Jesse is a male vo talent who's voiceover style has also been described as conversational, guy next door, friendly, caring, relatable, trustworthy, young, youthful, religious, generation x, generation y, announcer, high energy, believable, millennial, accessible, authentic, natural, narrator, genuine, soft sell, hard sell, sincere, cool, hip, relatable, knowledgeable, promo, urgent, Canadian, American, North American, and educational. He is consistently cast for a wide range of age requirements, including male teen, 20's, 30's, & 40's (13-45).

Authoritative, caring, compassionate, deep, brooding, strong, bold, angry, casual, conversational, smooth, crisp, articulate, business, CEO, businessman, man, male, young, youthful, cool, calm, happy, genuine, friendly, buddy, IT guy, corporate, professional, intense, evil, hero, super hero, comedic, funny, gritty, preacher, romantic, engaging, personable, business man, motivational, motivational speaker, authentic, movie trailer, character, cartoon, velvety, wise, narrator,

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
God's mission is our mission, and he's revealing it through us, through our hearts and hands through our faith and efforts. It is his mission, one of reconciliation, of healing, of hope. It is God's work put into action thistles, therefore, not simply a building project. It's not merely about adding space. It's about sharing God's word with more souls. And as our neighborhoods expand, we have the opportunity to open our doors wider and doom, or of God's work. In this project, he is transforming hearts, homes and cities. We are all broken way all need healing way. All need Jesus, and he deeply desires to help. All those who come to families, Children, individuals, everyone, all those who seek God's forgiveness can find it here if we make room. If we do what he is asking if we allow God to make his appeal to the world, this'll is a wondrous thing. God is doing. It's what we prayed for. His Holy Spirit is moving. Let us welcome the crowds that come to us with his message of reconciliation. Let us make a home for them in our sanctuary, let us teach and shelter them with God's healing words. Let God do his work