No More - Event Opener - Deep, Raspy, Thoughtful, Religious, Caring, Motivational, Inspiring

Profile photo for Jesse Adam
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Video Narration


Opening video to kick off large conference.

Natural & believable are the first two words that comes to most client’s minds when describing Jesse's voice. Jesse is a male vo talent who's voiceover style has also been described as conversational, guy next door, friendly, caring, relatable, trustworthy, young, youthful, religious, generation x, generation y, announcer, high energy, believable, millennial, accessible, authentic, natural, narrator, genuine, soft sell, hard sell, sincere, cool, hip, relatable, knowledgeable, promo, urgent, Canadian, American, North American, and educational. He is consistently cast for a wide range of age requirements, including male teen, 20's, 30's, & 40's (13-45).

Authoritative, caring, compassionate, deep, brooding, strong, bold, angry, casual, conversational, smooth, crisp, articulate, business, CEO, businessman, man, male, young, youthful, cool, calm, happy, genuine, friendly, buddy, IT guy, corporate, professional, intense, evil, hero, super hero, comedic, funny, gritty, preacher, romantic, engaging, personable, business man, motivational, motivational speaker, authentic, movie trailer, character, cartoon, velvety, wise, narrator,

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Our lives are made up of moments one connected to the other. Beautiful broken, the holy mundane one after another become like waves crashing on the shore. They define us some moments. Way celebrate some. We grieve. Many we recognize. But many passes by without notice. Could the same be said for people? Just a czar? Lives are made up of moments. They're also made up of people, each one of us connected to our fellow man. By the eternity written on our hearts, one after another they come in and out of our lives, be it for seconds or for decades like fabric in a tapestry. We are woven together. We define one another way, belong to one another. Too many passes by so many moments, so many people. The message of the gospel is the heartbeat of God. For his creation, he longs. Each one of us would know his love, his goodness, his mercy, his hand of redemption. He had the choice to let mankind pass him by. But he said no more