Commercial Demo--Engaging, Authoritative,

Video Narration


Intense, big voice, and a passion to make a statement for your next campaign.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
be the measure of all things, listen to intuition and find intelligence solutions live passionately. BMW seven series at direct TV Somebody had an idea about how to make television better. We'd put more football on TV, show your badness action. We've screened over 1500 movies a month, and we do it all for just half the price of cable. A new species of fear has been unleashed on its deliberately designed to enhance the ultimate sensation. A flight in terror. Katsu Onley at Six Flags To those of you who have never heard this sound to those who have absolutely no idea, like speedometers, go up to 135 MPH, 20th century insurance would like to give you exactly what you deserve. A low rate with no premiums or deductibles and hardly any paperwork. It's a great plan for people with Medicare Secure Horizons. Ah, health plan. You can believe it. Even though Miller lightest bless filling and has half the carbs of Bud Light, it can't give you washboard abs. On the other hand, sit ups can't give you great taste. Miller, like it's a good call