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A close up of a script describes a scene between a police man and a robber
Voice Acting
Recording a Demo: How to Choose the Right Script for You

Once know that you’re ready to record, having the right voice over demo script becomes fundamentally important. Here's how to find one.

Using Brand Names in Your Voice Over Demo?

If you’re using brand names such as McDonald’s, Ford, or Pepsi and you actually didn’t record for them officially, read this post.

female, actress, talent, actor, auditioning, auditions
Tips for Living the La La Land #ActorsLife

Has auditioning changed much over the years? If you enjoyed Singing in the Rain, you'll love La La Land and this modern take on auditioning.

A man laughs heartily in the background. In the foreground is a video camera capturing his testimonial
Voice Acting
Raw Footage: The Art of Capturing an Emotional...

Producing a testimonial video? Using the right interview techniques can make the difference between movie magic and a video flop. Here's how.

A young woman smiles as she records herself for a YouTube video.
An Amazing Influencer Marketing Campaign Case Study

Influencers offer brands access to their audience of hundreds of thousands of fans. See how influencer marketing works with this case study.

A very close up shot of a camera lens, head on
Voice Acting
Why Selecting the Right Voice Over for Your Video is Crucial

Professional voice overs get brands noticed. 7 considerations for choosing a video voice over for your explainer video.

Female creative in the office
Voice Acting
New to Voices? 3 Ways to Get Plugged In

Educating, equipping and empowering voice talent is what we do. New to Voices? Living the #actorslife online has never been better.

Male creative at work, man, lap top
Voice Acting
Need VO? 3 Ways to Tap into Voices

The creative life is one of adventure, ideation and achievement. Find resources for creatives that meet your need for inspiration at Voices.

A chalkboard drawing shows a graph with many lines in multiple colors.
Voice Acting
Voice Casting Trends and Popular Voices Revealed

The voice is one of advertising and media’s most powerful vehicles. Voice over casting trends show how people are using and choosing voices.

female voice talent, microphone, pop filter
Does Your Voice Acting Profile Do Your Talent Justice?

Want to attract more clients to hear your voice? Discover how easy it is to get your voice over demos uploaded and searchable at Voices.

A group of co-workers sit and share a laugh together in a meeting.
Voice Acting
The Relationship Between Trust, Creativity and Improv

Build team trust, and you will build incredible characters and storylines too. How to use improv to improve your team creativity - read here.

A woman types on a blue typewriter
Voice Acting
Bobette Buster on The Art of Storytelling

She's a storytelling guru with the chops and the cred to back it up. Bobette Buster shares her insights on what makes masterful storytelling.

Showing 901-912 of 1087 Articles