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Booking Work
Voice Acting
Why You Might Not Be Booking Work at Voices (and what...

Are you on the brink of success but just don't know it? Find out why you might not be booking work and what you can do about it.

Multicoloured blocks positioned around the branches of a small craft tree
Voice Acting
Microlearning: Training in Small Bites Has a Big Impact

Microlearning is training delivered in short bursts. Discover how it boosts learner retention and why it's taken the learning world by storm.

tea and honey
Vocal Health
How Much Does Honey Really Help?

Voice actors know how critical it is to treat their main instrument with great care. Honey is a common remedy, but does it really work?

A young woman with headphones on gets close to a pop filter and microphone to speak
Voice Acting
Why Professional Voice Actors Offer Priceless Value

We all know someone with a great speaking voice - but that doesn't mean they can act! Why professional voice actors offers priceless value.

Vocal Health
Butt Out! Medical Reasons Why Voice Actors Should...

If you’ve ever smoked, do smoke or have quit, you know what cigarette smoking can do to your voice. Dr. Sims agrees, it's time to quit smoking.

Illustration of a night sky with stars aligned in the shape of a microphone
Voice Acting
The 2020 Trends Report is Here!

Make 2020 your most successful year yet. Learn about media trends impacting your industry, including advertising, marketing and voice over.

people studying with laptops on a circular table
The Benefits of Dynamic Learning

Learn about the great benefits of dynamic learning and see how elearning content creators are creating dynamic eLearning programs.

Content Creator and Storyteller Ally Pintucci
Voice Acting
Understanding How to Leverage Social Media Influencers

Ever wonder what a social media influencer does? Instagram Storyteller Ally Pintucci explains how she works, and how you can work with her.

An Unorthodox Way To Get Your Voice Back in a Flash | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
Voice Acting
How to Get Your Voice Back

Need to get your voice back for an interview, important presentation or live performance? Drinking water helps, but you've never tried this!

Voice Acting
Alexa Skill Example Voice Over Script

Are you looking for an Alexa Skill example to build your first smart speaker offering? Use our free Alexa Skill script to start the process.

Vocal Health
Missing Those Good Vibrations? Thyroplasty May Help

When a voice becomes weak, breathy or struggles to perform, there may be something more serious going on with the vocal folds than meets the eye. Thyroplasty...

View of a woman's face from behind, before her, we see that there are paparazzi taking photos. She looks like she's on a red carpet and is dressed elegantly.
Voice Acting
Voice Over Jobs: How Much Does Celebrity Matter?

When it comes to landing voice over jobs, how important are celebrity voices? According to artist/producer, Xavier Paul Cadeau, it isn't. Read why.

Showing 121-132 of 179 Articles