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Index finger with string bow tied around it
Voice Acting
Brand Recall: Boosting Brand Awareness in 2021

How easily can consumers recollect your brand? Learn about brand recall and how to boost it with this in-depth guide to brand awareness.

Large city with wireless connections
The Options of Online Coaching for Voice Actors

Types of online coaching for voice actors, and tips from voice over coaches on selecting the right coach for your voice over training.

A brunette man in a plaid shirt with blue headphones around his neck stares at a computer screen with a confused expression as if he's trying to decipher a voice over script.
Voice Acting
How Voice Talent Can Approach Clients with Scripting...

Brian Kirchoff shares his tips on how to approach clients to address voice over script obstacles like vague artistic direction and difficult industry jargon.

Showing 13-15 of 15 Articles