Search results for voice-over work

How To Be A Great Radio Imaging Voice

Explore the type of voice that is perfect for radio imaging: the pre-produced station identifiers played in between the content being aired on the show.

talk like a pirate day
Voice Acting
How To Talk Like A Pirate

September 19th marks International Talk Like A Pirate Day. If you're curious about how to talk like a pirate, consult the pirate dictionary.

Pixar Brave Voice Cast

Pixar's Brave discussion about the voice cast, interesting facts about the making of Brave, Brave's positive impact on curly haired girls self esteem, etc.

Disney Seven Dwarves
Whose voices starred in Disney’s original Snow White...

Wondering who the voice actors are in the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs? Here is the list of who voiced the characters.

Voice Acting
Meet the Voice Over Industry

If you’re new to voice overs, consider this a tour of the community that you’ll be part of for years to come where you’ll get to know who is who.

Showing 241-245 of 245 Articles