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A person sits with a coffee in one hand and an open book in their lap
Voice Acting
6 Business Audiobooks to Help You Develop and Execute...

No time for an MBA? If you want to spark great ideas and develop winning strategy these 6 books may be just what you need!

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Customer Service Philosophies

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor, recently moderated a panel discussion on how to build relationships with clients and other critical aspects to customer...

YouTube ads skipped
3 Reasons Why Your Ads Get Skipped on YouTube

How do commercial producers get people to watch their entire YouTube ad? What stops users from skipping ads on YouTube? Hear from YouTubers for quick tips.

Voice Acting
How To Become A Voice Actor Fresh Out of High School

Discover how you can make voice over your first career fresh out of school.

Voice Acting
Meet the Industry : Voice Talent Agents

Agents are very selective, but as we’ve said earlier, there is a voice for every job and a job for every voice. Does an agency shoe fit for you?

Showing 37-41 of 41 Articles