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A man stands up and presents to his coworkers, who sit at a table around him
Voice Acting
5 Important Considerations for Professionals Who Want...

Speaking to be heard is an essential skill for professional success. Vocal Coach Jocelyn Rasmussen shares how to develop your voice.

Voice Acting
4 Tips to Keep Players from Tapping the Mute Button on your Game

Do your players enjoy listening to the audio in your casual game? Find out how to improve game audio to give your players an even better experience.

YouTube ads skipped
3 Reasons Why Your Ads Get Skipped on YouTube

How do commercial producers get people to watch their entire YouTube ad? What stops users from skipping ads on YouTube? Hear from YouTubers for quick tips.

talk like a pirate day
Voice Acting
How To Talk Like A Pirate

September 19th marks International Talk Like A Pirate Day. If you're curious about how to talk like a pirate, consult the pirate dictionary.

Pixar Brave Voice Cast

Pixar's Brave discussion about the voice cast, interesting facts about the making of Brave, Brave's positive impact on curly haired girls self esteem, etc.

Voice Acting
Meet the Industry : Voice Talent Agents

Agents are very selective, but as we’ve said earlier, there is a voice for every job and a job for every voice. Does an agency shoe fit for you?

Showing 49-54 of 54 Articles