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man sitting at desk looking pensively at his laptop screen with a mic and pop filter to his right
Measuring Podcast Performance (It's More Than Just Analytics)

Learn what KPI's and benchmarks to set for your podcast as well as what considerations to make when deciding how to measure your podcast.

Audio Editing a Voice Over Recorded with a Rode Microphone
Audio Editing – 7 Helpful Practices For Best...

Audio content is growing fast in popularity and market share. As more people depend on voice artificial intelligence like Amazon Alexa and Siri and consume...

A black smart home speaker sitting on a brown circular piece of wood.
Synthetic and AI Voices: Market Size and How...

AI voice tech is projected to be a $36B industry by 2025. There is unprescidented opportunity to invest in synthetic voice development and here's how.

The Voices Insiders
Voice Acting
How to Decide Which Voice Over Jobs to Audition For

How do you know if you should audition for a voice over job? Learn how expert voice actors assess voice over opportunities — so you can too!

Collage of voice actors who mane up the Voice Insiders panel
Voices Insiders—A Year in Review and What to Expect...

The Voices Insiders Program has fostered a place of authentic sharing of perspective and know-how between voice actors of all backgrounds. Want to join?

Image for best productivity apps
Voice Acting
Top 10 Best Apps for Productivity

In today's world of technological advances, there are many apps available to help you through the day. Here are the best productivity apps.

A woman explaining the letter A to a child
Vocal Health
Speech and Language Disorders

Learn about common speech language disorders, including those that affect children and adults, such as stuttering.

hand holding cellphone with YouTube logo on the screen
How to Grow Your YouTube Channel in 2024

Growing your Youtube channel takes a mix of patience, curiosity, creativity, and these pro tips.

New Ways to Find and Favorite Talent
New Ways to Find and Favorite Talent

We're excited to share a new Browse experience, an improved Search experience, and exciting updates to Favorites.

Launched: Post Jobs in New Creative Services
Post Jobs in New Creative Services

With the launch of our new creative services, we’ve put a lot of thought and effort into how clients post jobs.

Clubhouse app on the screen of a smartphone being held in a person's hand
Clubhouse for Marketers: Using Social Audio to Speak to Your Audience

Brands are using social audio platforms to reach their listeners in new and authentic ways. Here's how to use Clubhouse for marketers.

Launched: Voices Lessons
Become a Voices Expert in Minutes with Voices Lessons

We are exciting to share Voices Lessons—a new tool that will give clients and talent an amazing experience learning how the Voices platform works.

Showing 61-72 of 110 Articles