Search results for Sound Advice

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Key Success Factors

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor recently moderated a panel discussion on the key factors for success in the voice acting industry.

podcasts from voices of the industry panels
Voice Acting
Podcast: Customer Service Philosophies

Tommy Griffiths, a skilled voice actor, recently moderated a panel discussion on how to build relationships with clients and other critical aspects to customer...

Voice Acting
Deborah Sale-Butler: Fake It Till You Make It

Voice talent Deborah Sale-Butler is often seen on the recently hired list on Voices. Learn how she markets herself though VOX Daily's interview with her.

Voice Acting
The Emotional Voice

Is it the sound of the voice that captures an audience or the motivation behind how the voice over artist paints their words and delivers the copy?

Why Is Practicing So Important?

Great artists all struggle with practicing. Marc gives you the inspiration you need to overcome the urge not to practice.

lawyer and client looking at each other while discussing papers
Voice Acting
Voice Acting’s Toughest Legal Questions Answered...

Is it OK to use copyrighted material? What could happen if you use a script from an audition that you didn’t win? We answer these questions.

Voice Acting
Meet the Industry : Voice Talent Agents

Agents are very selective, but as we’ve said earlier, there is a voice for every job and a job for every voice. Does an agency shoe fit for you?

Vocal Health
Oral Hygiene

Cleaning the Instrument: Guest Blogger David Houston shares his experiences as a voice actor with pointers on oral hygiene.

Showing 85-92 of 92 Articles