
Should You Listen to Audio Before Bed?

Keaton Robbins | September 25, 2023

For those immersed in the voice over and audio world, sounds have a significant impact on our daily lives. 

But even for the everyday listener, audio can be a source of comfort, entertainment, or even sleep aid. 

In this article

  1. The Science Behind Audio and Sleep
  2. The Role of Voice in Sleep
  3. Potential Downsides
  4. The Art of Choosing the Right Audio
  5. Types of Audio Best Suited for Bedtime
  6. Curating Your Nighttime Playlist
  7. Understanding Personal Preferences
  8. The Deep Connection Between Sound and Slumber
  9. Historical Use of Sound in Sleep Rituals
  10. Voice: A Tool for Tranquility
  11. Storytelling and Sleep
  12. Modern Audio Technology and Sleep
  13. Soundscapes and Their Effects
  14. The Role of Headphones and Speakers
  15. Potential Risks and Precautions
  16. The Social Aspects of Shared Audio
  17. Embracing the Silence
  18. Conclusion

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Whether it’s the dulcet tones of an audiobook narrator, a soothing podcast, or the calming effects of nature sounds, audio plays a significant role in our nighttime routines. 

But the big question is – should you listen to audio before you fall asleep in bed? Let’s dive in.

The Science Behind Audio and Sleep

Research indicates that listening to certain types of audio can indeed help improve sleep quality. Slow-tempo music, for example, can decrease the levels of the stress hormone cortisol, helping to soothe the mind. 

Similarly, white noise can mask disruptive background sounds, providing a soothing sound consistent auditory environment ideal for deep sleep.

Audiobooks and podcasts that are neither too intense nor overly stimulating can also lull listeners into a tranquil state. 

This doesn’t necessarily mean diving into a fast-paced thriller, but rather opting for calming narratives or discussions that can gently guide the mind away from the stressors of the day.

The Role of Voice in Sleep

Given our niche at, it’s essential to highlight the role of voice in audio relaxation. The human voice has an incredible capacity to evoke emotion and instill calm. 

Think of the times a parent read to their child at bedtime, or a yoga instructor guided a meditation session. These voices, often slow-paced and gentle, can act as a balm to the anxious mind.

Hiring a professional voice actor for guided sleep meditations or bedtime stories is an ever-growing trend in the audio world. 

These professionals know the nuances of voice modulation, pacing, and tone, creating the perfect environment for relaxation.

Potential Downsides

While many find solace in nighttime audio, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some people might find themselves more alert or distracted by background noise. 

Also, using devices like smartphones or tablets to play audio can expose listeners to blue light, which has been shown to disrupt circadian rhythms and impede sleep.

Therefore, if you’re keen on introducing audio into your bedtime routine, consider investing in a dedicated audio player with a sleep timer and avoiding screens when possible. 

The Art of Choosing the Right Audio

Given the expansive world of audio content available to us today, making the right choice for bedtime listening can be daunting. 

Let’s delve deeper into the art of selecting the ideal nighttime audio:

Types of Audio Best Suited for Bedtime

  1. Nature Sounds

From the rhythmic waves of the ocean to the gentle rustling of leaves in a forest, nature sounds can transport us from our busy urban environments to serene, natural landscapes. These natural sounds have been found to reduce heart rates and promote relaxation.

2. Binaural Beats

These are a form of soundwave therapy. Listening to binaural beats involves playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear, leading to the brain perceiving a third tone that lies in between. This resultant tone can help synchronize brain waves to states conducive to deep sleep or meditation.

3. Guided Meditations

The voice, as mentioned, in guided sleep meditation can be a powerful tool. Guided sleep meditations led by calming voices can assist in breathing exercises, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation. They not only aid in sleep but also in reducing anxiety and stress.

Curating Your Nighttime Playlist

Your nighttime audio shouldn’t just be a random selection of tracks. Consider creating a dedicated playlist that evolves based on your preferences. Start with softer, more calming tracks, and let them gradually ease you into a deeper state of relaxation. Monitor which tracks or voice-overs help you drift off to sleep more efficiently and prioritize those in your playlist.

Understanding Personal Preferences

Everyone’s relaxation trigger is different. While mindfulness meditation for some might find the sound of rain therapeutic, others might feel more at peace listening to the hum of a bustling café or a gentle train journey. It’s a journey of exploration. Give various audio backgrounds a try, and note which ones resonate most with your relaxation needs.

The myriad of audio options available today offers an excellent opportunity to customize our bedtime routine. 

Just like we curate our living spaces to reflect our personalities and comfort preferences, our nighttime audio should also be a reflection of what soothes and calms our mind. 

By investing time in understanding and relaxing music and experimenting with different audio backgrounds, we can significantly enhance our sleep quality and overall well-being and good night’s sleep. It’s all about tuning into the right frequency for the most harmonious of dreams.

The Deep Connection Between Sound and Slumber

Given the profound impact of sound on our sleep, it’s only natural to explore this connection further. 

The auditory environment surrounding us, more often than not, affects our subconscious minds, our dreams, and our overall sleep quality. 

This relationship between sound and slumber has ancient roots and significant contemporary implications for sleep disorders.

Historical Use of Sound in Sleep Rituals

Across ancient civilizations, sound was an integral part of nighttime rituals. Tibetan monks used singing bowls to induce a meditative state, while indigenous tribes used rhythmic drumming or chanting to communicate with the spiritual world during their dream states. 

These traditions highlight the timeless link between sound and the subconscious mind:

Voice: A Tool for Tranquility

Beyond the soothing nature of certain voices, the content delivered in their cadence plays an integral role. Think of lullabies, those gentle songs sung to lull children (and often adults) into a restful sleep. These melodies, passed down through generations, serve as testaments to the power of voice and rhythm in inducing relaxation.

Storytelling and Sleep

Historically, oral traditions dominated cultures worldwide. Elders would weave tales under starry skies, and these stories served multiple purposes: educating, entertaining, and helping the community transition to nighttime. 

Today, the trend continues with audiobooks and sleep-focused podcasts. A well-narrated story can act as a bridge, guiding listeners from wakefulness to dreams.

Modern Audio Technology and Sleep

With advancements in technology, our access to a diverse range of soothing and relaxing sounds has never been easier. Apps dedicated to sleep sounds have surged in popularity, offering a mixture of ambient sounds, guided meditations, and even bedtime stories for adults.

Soundscapes and Their Effects

Soundscapes are complex, layered audio environments that can mentally transport listeners to different settings. From bustling cities to serene mountain peaks, these audio journeys can cater to individual preferences, offering an escape from daily routines and paving the way to peaceful slumbers.

The Role of Headphones and Speakers

The device used to play your chosen audio can significantly impact the experience. Noise-cancelling headphones can offer an immersive experience and block out external disturbances. 

However, for those who may find wearing headphones uncomfortable during sleep, specialized pillow speakers or high-quality room speakers can offer an equally enriching audio environment.

Potential Risks and Precautions

As we integrate audio into our nightly rituals, it’s crucial to be aware of potential risks and take necessary precautions:

  1. Volume Levels

Constant exposure to high-volume noises can damage hearing over time. Always ensure that your audio is played at a comfortable, non-disruptive level.

2. Content Selection

While horror stories or intense thrillers can be entertaining, they might not be ideal for bedtime. They can lead to vivid, often unsettling dreams or insomnia. Choose content that aligns with relaxation and peace.

3. Dependence

While audio can enhance sleep quality, it’s essential not to become overly reliant. Your body should be able to rest without external aids. Think of audio as a supplement help you sleep, not a necessity.

The Social Aspects of Shared Audio

Shared listening experiences can also foster connections. Couples or families can bond over shared playlists, introducing each other to new sounds or stories. Listening together can become a nightly ritual, strengthening relationships and creating shared moments of tranquility.

Embracing the Silence

While this article champions the benefits of audio, there’s also something to be said for silence. True silence is a rarity in our bustling world, and occasionally, it’s the best sound for sleep. Embracing moments of quietude can be just as rejuvenating, offering a blank canvas for the mind to rest and recuperate.

The tapestry of sleep is woven with threads of various sounds, be it the chirping of crickets, the rhythmic cadence of a voice actor, or the gentle hum of city life. By curating, personalizing, and occasionally changing our auditory sleep environment ourselves, we not only enhance our sleep experience but also deepen our connection to the world of sounds around us.

Incorporating audio into our bedtime routines can be a journey of self-discovery, as we navigate through soundscapes, uncovering what resonates with our souls. As you explore, remember that balance is key. 

Whether you drift off to the whispers of ancient tales, the gentle lapping of ocean waves, or the profound silence of the night, ensure that your chosen sound or silence enriches your dreams and rejuvenates your spirit. Sleep well, and let the world of audio be your nightly guide.


Listening to audio before bed can be a delightful and beneficial experience for many. 

From the melodic tunes of music to the gentle narratives of audiobooks and the soothing cadence of voice actors, there’s something for everyone. 

As with anything related to sleep, it’s essential to find what works best for you. After all, a good night’s rest is the melodious foundation of a productive day.

Remember, the audio world is vast and varied. If one sound doesn’t suit your nighttime routine, there are countless other genres, voices, and tones to hear and explore. Sweet dreams and happy listening!

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