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The Power of Ethos Pathos Logos: How to Effectively Use Persuasive Techniques in 2024

Tara Parachuk | August 8, 2023

It’s 2024 and the art of persuasive remains as relevant as ever.

Whether you’re presenting a business proposal or crafting an advertisement, the power of ethos pathos logos cannot be underestimated.

In this article

  1. At a Glance
  2. Understanding Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
  3. Ethos: Establishing Credibility
  4. Pathos: Engaging Emotions
  5. Logos: Presenting a Logical Argument
  6. Ethos in Advertising: Building Trust and Connection
  7. Brand Trust
  8. Celebrity Endorsements
  9. The Next Door Neighbor Technique
  10. Pathos in Media: Evoking Emotional Responses
  11. Emotional Storytelling
  12. Humor
  13. Satire
  14. Logos in Action: Using Facts and Logic
  15. Reasoning
  16. Inductive Reasoning
  17. Deductive Reasoning
  18. Abductive Reasoning
  19. Data-Driven Arguments
  20. Logical Fallacies to Avoid
  21. Harnessing Historical and Literal Analogies
  22. Historical Analogies
  23. Literal Analogies
  24. Case Studies: Successful Applications of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos
  25. Ethos Case Study
  26. Pathos Case Study
  27. Logos Case Study
  28. Summary
  29. Frequently Asked Questions
  30. What are the 3 appeals to ethos?
  31. What is an example of a logos?
  32. What is pathos example?
  33. What is a example of ethos?
  34. How can historical and literal analogies be used in arguments?

Dive into this comprehensive guide to discover the secrets behind these persuasive techniques and learn how to harness their full potential. From credibility building to evoking emotional responses, and presenting logical arguments, you’ll uncover the key to unlocking your audience’s minds and hearts.

At a Glance

  • Understand the importance of credibility, emotion, and logic to create a persuasive message.
  • Utilize techniques such as brand trust, celebrity endorsements and emotional storytelling to effectively connect with an audience.
  • Construct persuasive arguments using facts & evidence while avoiding logical fallacies for soundness & credibility.

Understanding Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

At the heart of persuasive communication lies the rhetorical triangle, which consists of three modes of persuasion furnished by Aristotle.

  1. Ethos: focuses on establishing credibility by highlighting the speaker’s personal character and authority.
  2. Pathos: appeals to the audience’s emotions, evoking feelings that drive them towards a certain frame of mind. Pathos appeals are a crucial aspect of this mode.
  3. Logos: uses logical reasoning and evidence to persuade the audience.

Logos, on the other hand, relies on logic and factual evidence to support arguments. When used in harmony, these three strategies can create a powerful and compelling message that leaves a lasting impact on the audience.

Ethos: Establishing Credibility

Ethos is all about credibility and trustworthiness. It goes beyond the spoken word and delves into factors such as body language, tone of voice, and even clothing. A speaker’s own life experiences, background, and expertise can significantly contribute to their ethos. Establishing credibility can be achieved by having credentials that align with the audience. For example, a car salesman with 40 years of experience in the field would be more persuasive than a novice.

In advertising, ethos builds trust and connection with the audience through brand trust, celebrity endorsements, and the “next door neighbor” technique.

Pathos: Engaging Emotions

Pathos is the art of engaging the audience’s emotions, enabling the speaker to connect with their audience on a deeper level. By evoking emotions such as fear, sympathy, or anger, pathos appeals can create a connection that makes the audience more receptive to the message. The power of word pathos lies in its ability to emotionally resonate with the audience.

Some remarkable pathos examples in media include Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech and the emotionally charged Zillow commercial. Pathos in media can also utilize humor and satire to evoke emotional responses and make the audience feel more at ease.

Logos: Presenting a Logical Argument

Logos rhetoric is the cornerstone of logical argumentation, using facts, evidence, and reasoning to support a claim. By presenting logos examples such as statistics, data, and historical and literal analogies, a speaker can construct a compelling argument that is difficult to challenge.

Aristotle believed that the best way to utilize logos is to prove an argument to your audience. Once they have accepted your argument, then come the big reveal. This tactic keeps the audience engaged and encourages them to think critically about the information presented.

Ethos in Advertising: Building Trust and Connection

In the realm of advertising, ethos is a powerful tool for building trust and rapport with the audience. By emphasizing the credibility of a brand or spokesperson, advertisers can create a sense of trust and connection that ultimately influences purchasing decisions through an ethos advertisement. Ethos rhetoric plays a significant role in this process, as it helps establish the credibility and trustworthiness of the message being conveyed.

This can be achieved through brand trust, celebrity endorsements, and the “next door neighbor” technique, which uses relatability to create a sense of familiarity and trust.

Brand Trust

Brand trust is the foundation of a strong relationship between a brand and its customers. Established through consistent messaging, quality products, and positive customer experiences, brand trust ensures that customers feel confident in their purchasing decisions.

A brand’s reputation, commitment to its core values, and the way it handles customer complaints all contribute to building trust and loyalty.

Celebrity Endorsements

Celebrity endorsements tap into the fame and credibility of well-known individuals to promote products or services. By associating the brand with a celebrity, advertisers hope to:

  • Create a positive connection in the minds of potential customers
  • Increase brand awareness and recognition
  • Enhance the brand’s image and reputation
  • Influence consumer purchasing decisions
  • Generate buzz and media attention

While celebrity endorsements can be a powerful marketing tool, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks, such as scandals or controversies that could negatively impact the brand.

The Next Door Neighbor Technique

The “next door neighbor” technique is all about fostering a sense of community and strengthening connections among neighbors. By adopting a friendly, helpful, and respectful manner, individuals can cultivate a sense of trust and rapport with their neighbors.

This approach can be especially effective in local advertising campaigns, where creating a sense of familiarity and trust can have a significant impact on purchasing decisions.

Pathos in Media: Evoking Emotional Responses

Emotions play a powerful role in shaping our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. Pathos in media seek to evoke emotional responses through storytelling, humor, and satire. By tapping into the audience’s emotions, advertisers can create a more memorable and persuasive message.

From heartwarming stories to humorous commercials, pathos in media can leave a lasting impression on the audience, especially when created by a successful animation studio.

Emotional Storytelling

Emotional storytelling is a persuasive technique that connects with the audience on a deeper level. By crafting a narrative that resonates with the audience’s emotions, advertisers can create a lasting impact and make their message more memorable.

Examples of emotional storytelling in advertising include the “Like a Girl” campaign by Always and the “This is a Phone” commercial by Apple.


Humor can be a highly effective tool in engaging with the audience on an emotional level. By incorporating humor in advertising, marketers can capture the audience’s attention and make their message more memorable.

The Heineken commercial, for example, uses humor to promote its product, creating a lighthearted and enjoyable experience for the viewer.


Satire is a form of art that uses humor to make targets appear ridiculous, inducing embarrassment and humility. By employing satire in media, advertisers can critique and expose flaws in ideas or arguments, leading to a more informed and critical audience.

Satirical advertisements can be found in political cartoons, satirical films, and literature.

Logos in Action: Using Facts and Logic

Logos in action employs facts and logic to build persuasive arguments. By utilizing various types of reasoning, such as:

  • Inductive reasoning
  • Deductive reasoning
  • Abductive reasoning
  • Data-driven arguments

Speakers and writers can construct a solid foundation for their claims using meaningful language.

However, it’s important to avoid logical fallacies, which are errors in reasoning that can weaken or invalidate the argument, including misrepresenting your opponent’s point.


Reasoning is the process of forming conclusions based on evidence and logic. It is a vital component of persuasive techniques, as it enables speakers and writers to construct logical arguments based on evidence and facts. By employing reasoning, a speaker can guide their audience to a particular conclusion and encourage critical thinking.

Reasoning is an important tool for persuasive communication, as it allows speakers to present their arguments in a persuasive way.

Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning is a form of logical thinking that allows individuals to draw general conclusions from specific observations. By searching for patterns in specific experiences or observations, one can make generalizations about the wider population at a particular point in time.

While inductive reasoning can be useful in certain circumstances, it’s important to be aware of its limitations, such as the potential for bias and forming inaccurate conclusions.

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning is a form of logical argument that starts with a general principle and applies it to specific cases. By making inferences based on general principles that are assumed to be true, deductive reasoning can lead to valid conclusions.

However, it’s important to be aware of the limitations of this form of reasoning, such as the potential for false premises or incorrect assumptions, which can sometimes defy common sense.

Abductive Reasoning

Abductive reasoning involves forming a hypothesis based on incomplete information. By deducing the most probable explanation for incomplete observations, abductive reasoning can help individuals make informed decisions in situations where there are limited data or when the data is too complex to be examined using alternative forms of reasoning.

While abductive reasoning can be a useful tool, it’s important to be aware of its limitations, such as the potential for forming inaccurate conclusions.

Data-Driven Arguments

Data-driven arguments utilize statistical data, research findings, and evidence to substantiate claims. By providing facts and evidence to back up a statement, it is easier to demonstrate to an audience the authenticity of the argument.

Furthermore, data-driven arguments can help address any potential objections that an audience may have. It’s important to ensure that the data utilized is accurate and current when creating data-driven arguments.

Logical Fallacies to Avoid

Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning that can weaken or invalidate an argument. They may comprise invalid arguments or points that are irrelevant to the discussion. Recognizing and avoiding logical fallacies is essential in order to ensure the soundness and credibility of one’s argument.

Common logical fallacies to avoid include false cause, slippery slope, and straw man.

Harnessing Historical and Literal Analogies

Historical and literal analogies can be powerful tools in strengthening arguments and making them more relatable. By drawing comparisons between past events and current situations, historical analogies can provide context and perspective to an argument.

Literal analogies, on the other hand, use concrete examples to illustrate abstract concepts, making complex ideas more accessible to the audience.

Historical Analogies

Historical analogies draw comparisons between past events and current situations, providing context and perspective to an argument. By demonstrating the repercussions of a particular action or event, historical analogies can strengthen an argument and make it more persuasive.

Examples of historical analogies include the fall of the Roman Empire, the American Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution.

Literal Analogies

Literal analogies use concrete examples to illustrate abstract concepts, making complex ideas more accessible and relatable to the audience. By simplifying intricate ideas and drawing parallels with something more familiar, literal analogies can help the audience better understand and remember the argument.

Examples of literal analogies include comparing the human body to a machine, the brain to a computer, and the solar system to a clock.

Case Studies: Successful Applications of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Case studies showcase successful applications of ethos, pathos, and logos in various contexts, demonstrating the power of these persuasive techniques when used effectively. In this section, we will explore case studies that highlight the impact of ethos, pathos, and logos in advertising, media, and literature, providing valuable insights into how these techniques can be harnessed to create persuasive messages that resonate with the audience.

By examining these case studies, we can gain a better understanding of how to effectively use ethos.

Ethos Case Study

An example of a successful application of ethos can be seen in the world of advertising, where the credibility and trustworthiness of a brand or spokesperson are often central to the campaign’s success. Apple, for instance, has built a reputation for innovation and quality, allowing them to command a loyal following of customers who trust their products.

By leveraging the power of ethos, Apple has been able to create a strong connection with their audience and establish themselves as a leading brand in the technology industry.

Pathos Case Study

Pathos can be a powerful tool in motivating an audience, as demonstrated by the “This is America” campaign. This campaign used emotional storytelling, powerful imagery, and a provocative message to engage viewers and encourage them to vote in the 2018 midterm elections. By evoking strong emotions, the campaign was able to motivate viewers to take action and participate in the democratic process, showcasing the power of pathos in persuasion.

Pathos can be a powerful tool in persuasion, as it can evoke strong emotions in an individual.

Logos Case Study

The power of logos in persuasion can be seen in Barack Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address, where he used facts, evidence, and logical arguments to support his claims about the 2008 recession. By providing a clear, data-driven argument, Obama was able to persuade his audience of the effectiveness of his policies and the need for continued progress.

This example demonstrates the importance of using logos in persuasive communication to provide a solid foundation for one’s argument.


In conclusion, the power of ethos, pathos, and logos in persuasive communication cannot be underestimated. By understanding and harnessing these techniques, individuals can create compelling messages that resonate with their audience and achieve their desired outcomes. Whether you’re crafting an advertisement, delivering a speech, or writing an article, remember the importance of establishing credibility, engaging emotions, and providing logical arguments. With the right balance of ethos, pathos, and logos, you can unlock the full potential of your persuasive powers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 3 appeals to ethos?

Ethos, Pathos and Logos are the 3 persuasive Appeals coined by Aristotle, used to convince audiences. They are represented by Greek words and aim to establish a connection with the reader.

These appeals are used to make an argument more convincing and to create an emotional connection with the reader. Ethos is an appeal to the reader’s sense of ethics, and Pathos is an appeal to the reader’s sense of ethics.

What is an example of a logos?

Logos is the use of data, statistics, and common sense to convince an audience. For example, Aristotle used logos when stating: “All men are mortal.

Socrates is a man.

What is pathos example?

Pathos is an appeal to the emotions of the reader. Examples can range from a teenager trying to convince their parents to buy them a new car to a man imploring a car salesman to offer the best price for a family necessity.

These examples create a strong emotional connection between the speaker and the listener.

What is a example of ethos?

Advertising a product with images of celebrities or doctors, using professional detectives as main characters in murder mysteries, and citing relevant experience in political speeches are examples of ethos.

Ethos is a rhetorical device used to persuade an audience by appealing to their sense of ethics. It is often used to establish credibility and trustworthiness. Ethos can be used in a variety of ways, such as through the use of celebrity endorsements, citing celebrities.

How can historical and literal analogies be used in arguments?

Historical and literal analogies are powerful tools to communicate complex ideas, helping readers to connect past events to present situations and to better understand abstract concepts.

By breaking up text into paragraphs, readers can more easily digest the information and follow the argument. Paragraphs also provide a visual break, making the text easier to read and comprehend.

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