Voice Acting

Find the Right VO Delivery for Any Script, Every Time

Tara Parachuk | April 6, 2016

A business man choosing his voice

Do you wonder what people think about the auditions you send in?

Tommy Griffiths guest blogs today, walking us through how you can perform the right voice-over delivery for any script each time you step up to the mic.
Curious to learn more? Read today’s Vox Daily!

In this article

  1. Find the Right VO Delivery for Any Script, Every Time
  2. Versatility is Key
  3. Knowing Who You Are
  4. Getting Results
  5. Special Audition Diagnosis Promotion

Find the Right VO Delivery for Any Script, Every Time

By Tommy Griffiths
This technique will change how you record VO auditions forever. Follow the instructions carefully. Read it a few times and let it really sink in. If you follow this path, you will, without question, increase your odds of winning jobs dramatically.
But before we get to business, ask yourself these questions.

  • Do your auditions sound the same?
  • Is there little vocal contrast in the segments that make up your VO demo?
  • Do you get feedback telling you your delivery sounds too “announcer-like,” “salesy” or too much like a DJ?

Have you auditioned hundreds of times, even thousands, and never landed a gig?
You’ve probably heard the definition of “insanity”- repeating the same behavior over and over again, and expecting different results.
If you answered YES to any of the above questions, it’s time to try something different. Either that, or check yourself in to the Institute for the Chronically Hard-Headed.

Versatility is Key

None of your auditions should sound even remotely the same.

If you take the time to break down your scripts, you’ll notice that the people you address in the read are different than the folks you were addressing in every other script. For example, a business narration calls for direction that’s somewhat formal and conversational- a tone similar to the way you speak to someone you barely know, and with whom you’re making a solid first impression.

Compare that delivery to the way you’d speak to someone you know well, more casual, and perhaps more “chummy.”

Whatever the case, keep in mind that we talk to everyone differently, based on our relationship- for example, we sound different speaking to a group of people than we do when we talk to one person. How large is the group of people? Five people in an office? 600 people in an auditorium? Identifying who you are speaking to, with as much detail as possible is critical.

Knowing Who You Are

The second half of the equation is discovering who YOU are in relation to those you’re speaking to. In this “scenario” that you create in your mind’s eye, are you a sales rep for a company speaking to a group of potential customers? A you a close friend speaking one-on-one to a person you care deeply about, convincing her to see a specialist about a health issue.

If you meticulously analyze a script, identify the meaning of the message, and carefully consider your role, and who you are speaking to- maybe an extra 5 to 10 minutes of work before you record- every one of your auditions will be focused, and therefore unique.

Getting Results

And here’s the best part- I consult with many Voices voice artists with my 30-minute “Audition Diagnosis.” Nearly 90 percent of those struggling with landing jobs discover it’s because they don’t bother to implement this process.

This gives you a decided advantage over many with whom you’re competing with for work.

Special Audition Diagnosis Promotion

I’m happy to help you properly analyze a script, and even let you in on a little secret that makes this process foolproof. For an “Audition Diagnosis,” email [email protected]. Voices members will get a hefty discount- just $25.00 U.S. for the 30-40 minute session.

Thanks for reading!

Tommy Griffiths

About Tommy Griffiths
Tommy’s been a voice talent for many years (His SAG-AFTRA card says member since 1981- you do the math!). Tommy’s also coached and produced demos for nearly 500 voice artists worldwide. He produces and hosts commercial podcasts and voice-tracks radio shows for stations across the U.S. and is also a home recording studio consultant.

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  • Avatar for John Rowles
    John Rowles
    April 6, 2016, 3:03 pm

    Excellent piece. I’ve been coached by Tommy and learned everything he mentions. I still go through the exercises, script analysis, and finding my part within the scripts. One other thing I learned was determining if the script is something that fit my voice. Through the many auditions I’ve done it was a long process for me to realize how far out of my range I was going and it was probably the main reason for not landing those jobs.

  • Avatar for Marcus Anderson
    Marcus Anderson
    April 6, 2016, 11:06 pm

    Great advice

  • Avatar for Gretchen Van Horne
    Gretchen Van Horne
    April 7, 2016, 5:58 pm

    Thanks, Tommy!
