
Keep Track of Transactions with Improved Billing History

Anne Joldersma | September 2, 2020


Sometimes ‘getting things done’ requires a little help from everyone’s friends in the finance department. Whether its approval to make purchases or help with budgeting and projections, having finance in your corner can make doing those things that much easier and faster. How do you get finance on board you may wonder? Often it’s as simple as getting them the information they need, when they need it. To help our clients out in that area, we’ve introduced a number of improvements to their billing history.

One Place for All Your Transactions

In this article

  1. One Place for All Your Transactions
  2. Want to Learn More?

From your ‘Account Settings,’ the ‘Billing History’ tab now provides a list of all of your transactions on Voices. That includes job transactions, additional payments, and membership purchases. Each transaction will include key information, including:

  • transaction date;
  • transaction description, with job number and talent name (when applicable);
  • transaction number (shown as ‘INVOICED’ when invoice is pending), and;
  • payment status. 

Clicking the ‘View’ button on any transaction will take you to the ‘Receipt’ page, which includes further transaction details and the ability to ‘Print this Page,’ producing a formatted invoice-style receipt that can be printed or downloaded to share internally or keep for your records.


Speaking of keeping a record of things, we’ve introduced a new ‘Download CSV’ button which does exactly as it implies. A .zip file will be downloaded, containing a .csv file that will include all the transactions you’ve filtered for. You can adjust the number of records on display by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and selecting the number of transactions you’d like to see (e.g. 10, 25, 50, or 100). 


When it comes to filtering, we’ve introduced a number of new options. From the ‘Show’ button, you can select to see:

  • ‘All’ transactions;
  • ‘Add-Ons’
  • ‘Hired Talent’
  • ‘Paid’ transactions;
  • ‘Unpaid’ transactions;
  • ‘Union Talent’ transactions, and;
  • ‘Subscriptions’.

You can also filter by ‘Date Range’ or use ‘Quick Dates,’ including ‘This Month,’ ‘This Year,’ or ‘All Time,’ to see transactions within a specific period of time.


Finally, if you are looking for a transaction tied to a specific job or talent, you can use the search bar.


With these changes you now have all of the information you (or your finance department) might want to stay on top of your transactions on Voices

Want to Learn More?

If you have questions about your billing history or how to navigate this page, you can take a look at this FAQ on Receipts and Invoices. Or you can contact a member of our Customer Support Team at any time via our support page.

Don’t forget, if you’ve got any feedback regarding this, or any other feature on Voices, please send it to [email protected].

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