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Tavia Gilbert, Audies winner, on how to become a audiobook narrator
Voice Acting
How to Become an Audiobook Narrator

Audie Award-winning narrator Tavia Gilbert shares advice on how to break into the world of narration and how to become an audiobook narrator.

An animated image of the Voicemeeter software in front of a computer, microphone, headphones and headset.
Voicemeeter for Beginners: The Audio Mixing Tool To...

Voicemeeter is an audio mixer that give users control over their sound environment. In this blog, we'll look at what Voicemeeter is and how to use it.

An illustrated graphic shows a pencil overlaid with sound waves, representing an audio blog.
5 Easy Steps to Turn Your Blog into an Audio Blog

Get your content in front of wider audiences and increase accessibility by turning your blog into an audio blog. Learn how in this article.

A desktop computer monitor on an audio console. The monitor is displaying a digital audio workstation
Best DAWs 2024: The Best Digital Audio Workstations...

This guide will help you select the ideal digital audio workstation — or DAW — that is tailored specifically to your needs.

Woman in a blue shirt standing behing a gold mic and pop filter, delivering an audiobook narration read.
How to Make an Audiobook [Independent Publishers]

How to make an audiobook—a definitive guide for independent publishers. Part 1 of 3: what to consider before going into production.

A man listening to an audiobook in a large room filled with natural light. Is he listening to an abridged or unabridged audiobook?
What’s the Difference Between Abridged and...

Abridged and unabridged audiobooks have their specific uses and very clear advantages and disadvantages. Learn about them here.

Headphones with number eight inside
Everything You Need to Know About 8D Audio

You may have heard of 8D audio. Here’s everything you need to know about 8D audio, and maybe even a bit more.

Laptop screen with YouTube library open
Your Complete Guide to the YouTube Audio Library

Everything you need to know about the free YouTube Audio Library. See how it compares to other free music and audio libraries.

Woman in a blue shirt standing behing a gold mic and pop filter, delivering an audiobook narration read.
How to Pick an Audiobook Narrator

Once you get to the production phase of make an audiobook, you need to decide on narration and audio editing. Here's what to consider!

6 Tips for Removing Breaths from Audio Recordings | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
4 Tips for Removing Breaths and Mouse Noises from...

Struggled with editing out unwanted noises and breaths? Get expert advice from sound engineers on how to remove breaths from your recording.

A stack of books sits on a table, with a library visible in the background. A pair of headphones is wrapped around the stack of books.
The History of Audiobooks

Ever wonder what the first audiobook was? Get the scoop on how the industry began, and when it started booming, right here.

A stack of four books sits on a light blue table in front of a teal washed stucco wall
Voice Acting
5 Things You Need to Know Before Self-Publishing an Audiobook

Don't self-publish your audiobook without reviewing this list first! 5 things that every author and self-publisher should consider first!

Showing 1-12 of 86 Articles