Search results for Recording Session

An illustration of several hands facing up, with hearts on their palms
Voice Acting
Ways to Use Your (Vocal) Gifts to Give Back

If you're a voice over actor, there are many ways you can use your skills to help others. Here are three examples of how you can give back.

Troubleshooting Dynamics Processing in Adobe Audition

If you're just beginning to learn about audio editing, troubleshooting dynamics processing can be complicated. Here's the advice you need.

Large city with wireless connections
The Options of Online Coaching for Voice Actors

Types of online coaching for voice actors, and tips from voice over coaches on selecting the right coach for your voice over training.

Tavia Gilbert, audies winner, on managing an audiobook narration business.
Voice Acting
Managing Your Audiobook Narration Business: Expert...

Award-winning audiobook narrator Tavia Gilbert shares how she manages the business of audiobook narration.

a generation x man sitting with his feet on a desk in an office with headphones on, listening to voice actor audition demos.
How to Get Hired for Animation Jobs

5 video clips of producers providing specific tips on how animation voice actors can deliver exactly what clients need.

A brunette man in a plaid shirt with blue headphones around his neck stares at a computer screen with a confused expression as if he's trying to decipher a voice over script.
Voice Acting
How Voice Talent Can Approach Clients with Scripting...

Brian Kirchoff shares his tips on how to approach clients to address voice over script obstacles like vague artistic direction and difficult industry jargon.

A man sits in front of his computer with a coffee in hand. He's looking at spreadsheets that are tracking business income.
Making Money
Money Matters: Is Your Voice Over Business Profitable?

Find out if your voice over business is profitable in 5 easy steps! Learn what you need to make to be profitable and identify tax write-offs.

A book sits open with blank pages. Above it is a scene with mountains, a house, people and a car. A rainbow is in the sky, along with clouds.
Voice Acting
Bringing Characters to Life

Being in character can be difficult - but it can also be a thrill. Chris Nitchter loves character work and gives tips on staying in character.

Man pondering something; appears confused.
Voice Acting
An Artist in Transition: Finding Your True Voice

What do you do when you don't sound like "you" anymore? When you find your identity in a voice that isn’t yours, you lose yourself.

A side shot of an emergency prepared checklist. There is an orange highlighter set on the page.
Voice Acting
How To Run A Voice Over Business During A Natural Disaster

Voice actor and coach Tommy Griffiths walks you through tips on how to keep your business operating, even in the face of severe weather.

The hands of five people are placed on a table, each one working away at a puzzle or sketching out a solution to a problem.
Voice Acting
Hiring a VO? 5 Tips to Set Your Voice Over Project Up...

Save time and money. These 5 tips for Voices clients can help you get your voice over project completed efficiently and effectively.

female voice talent, microphone, pop filter
Does Your Voice Acting Profile Do Your Talent Justice?

Want to attract more clients to hear your voice? Discover how easy it is to get your voice over demos uploaded and searchable at Voices.

Showing 109-120 of 136 Articles