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How To Be A Great Radio Imaging Voice

Explore the type of voice that is perfect for radio imaging: the pre-produced station identifiers played in between the content being aired on the show.

talk like a pirate day
Voice Acting
How To Talk Like A Pirate

September 19th marks International Talk Like A Pirate Day. If you're curious about how to talk like a pirate, consult the pirate dictionary.

Voice Acting
How Do You Amplify Your Voice?

There are many ways to make your voice sound louder whether it be through vocal acrobatics and projection or use of technology.

Voice Acting
10 Voice Tips for Women to be Heard More

Communicating effectively can be a challenge for both men and women, however, women have a unique set of challenges to overcome.

Why Does a Completed Profile Matter at Voices? Find...

Discover more about how you can ensure that your profile is the absolute best that it can be from someone who has learned the hard way.

Voice Acting
Old School Radio Pictures

Generally there are two camps that professional voice over artists hail from background wise; theatre and broadcast radio.

Why Is Practicing So Important?

Great artists all struggle with practicing. Marc gives you the inspiration you need to overcome the urge not to practice.

Vocal Health
Why Rest Is Sometimes The Best Medicine

Ever find that your voice just isn’t up for the challenge? Are you exhausted vocally or unable to speak without pain?

Vocal Health
Oral Hygiene

Cleaning the Instrument: Guest Blogger David Houston shares his experiences as a voice actor with pointers on oral hygiene.

Showing 169-177 of 177 Articles