Search results for Voice Overs

Close-up photo of index finger pressing touch screen
Voice Acting
Interactive Ads

Interactive ads are the new frontier for engaging your audience. Learn about different types of interactive ads and how to craft your own.

A stack of books sits on a table, with a library visible in the background. A pair of headphones is wrapped around the stack of books.
The History of Audiobooks

Ever wonder what the first audiobook was? Get the scoop on how the industry began, and when it started booming, right here.

an white animated rabbit hopping captured in 6 freeze frames to signifying the use of animation in advertising
Why Animated Video is the Perfect Media for Ads

Using animation for any marketing collateral provides a versatility that rivals other mediums like live-action. These 3 industry examples perfectly capture how.

young man typing on laptop
Voice Acting
How to Write a Strong Proposal

Learn how to write an effective proposal that will tell clients who you are and what you’re capable of when you audition for voice over work.

talking toys
Voice Acting
Exploring What Makes a Great Talking Toy

To design talking toys that meet the needs of today’s children, we have to become more innovative - through choosing the right voice.

Toy shopping cart overflowing with bags and packages atop a laptop keyboard
Black Friday Marketing Strategy

A roundup of the voices behind successful Black Friday and Cyber Monday commercial campaigns that follow three key marketing strategies.

students their hands in a classroom
How Do Teachers Use Alexa in the Classroom?

Amazon's Alexa helps creates a dynamic learning environment through its amazing features. Learn how teachers are using Alexa in the classroom.

A woman using a bullhorn
Recording and Creating Audio Ads

Studies show that online audio ads may be more effective than TV or traditional radio advertising. Learn how to create yours now!

Animation of people carrying voting cards and placing them on a computer with the font vote on the screen.
Voice Acting
Voting Technology: The Innovations Set to Revolutionize US Elections

Voting technology is rapidly evolving. From an Alexa Skill to voting with your phone, we take a look at how it will impact the US elections.

A photo showing stamps from different cities and countries on a piece of paper.
Knowing When to Incorporate Accents into Advertising

The results from these studies about accents in advertising will help you decide when to use accents.

A woman sits with her phone in one hand and headphones in her ears. She appears to be listening intently.
Audio Content Strategy: 5 Examples of Audio Blogs

Your audio content strategy needs to include audio on your blog. Get inspiration on how 5 leading publications have built their audio blog.

A group of four young adults gather together to listen to and watch what is on their friend's cellphone. They're all laughing and looking like they're having a good time.
Rise of the Audio Blog

Why enhance a blog with audio? We'll show you five reasons why creating an audio blog will serve your brand and your audience. Read more.

Showing 217-228 of 247 Articles