Search results for Post-Production

A woman sitting outdoors and wearing headphones
Crafting Immersive Soundscapes with 360° Audio

Let's dive into the world of 360° audio, the cutting-edge technology that is redefining the boundaries of auditory storytelling and immersive experiences.

A recording sign lit up just outside of a sound booth
The Art of Voice Over: Making Every Word Count

The art of voice over lies in using a few carefully selected words to convey a message, a feeling or a story. Let's talk about making every word count.

A man with black hair and a woman with blonde hair sit beside each other working on an audio board in a studio.
Capture Pristine On-Location Audio Every Time

In this blog post, we will share some valuable tips and techniques to help you capture pristine on-location audio every time.

A desktop computer monitor on an audio console. The monitor is displaying a digital audio workstation
Best DAWs 2024: The Best Digital Audio Workstations...

This guide will help you select the ideal digital audio workstation — or DAW — that is tailored specifically to your needs.

Two people smiling and speaking into a microphone with the camera in focus on the gain knob.
What is Gain on a Microphone?

This article will clarify what microphone gain means, its impact on audio clarity, and how to manipulate it for better audio output.

An animated image of a hand holding up a smartphone with little icons and lines showing how each is connected
Connecting Remotely for Live Directed Sessions in 2023

Compare the features of various technologies voice actors and clients use to connect remotely, from ISDN to Source-Connect, Skype, and Zoom.

A woman with brunette hair holds black headphones to her ears as she smiles towards the camera.
Voice Acting
What is ADR?

In this blog, we will explore the fascinating world of ADR audio, its purpose and the crucial role it plays in delivering storytelling.

Woman in a blue shirt standing behing a gold mic and pop filter, delivering an audiobook narration read.
How to Make an Audiobook [Independent Publishers]

How to make an audiobook—a definitive guide for independent publishers. Part 1 of 3: what to consider before going into production.

A man with dark hair and a beard smiles while wearing headphones and talking into a microphone while talking to a blonde woman doing the same.
Voice Acting
Voice Casting: What Is It and Why It Matters

Casting is the process of selecting actors for a particular role. In this blog, we explain what voice casting is and how it works.

A woman works on her laptop in her office with a purple iMovie logo over her right shoulder.
How To Add Subtitles in iMovie

In this blog post, we'll look at how you can add subtitles in iMovie and why they're so effective. So let's dive into all things iMovie.

A man looking at a computer, wearing a black shirt.
The Best Professional Video Editing Software Programs...

This list includes the best video editing software programs with their advantages and key characteristics to help you find the best software.

Radio station setup with microphone and pop filter
How to Edit Podcast Sound Effects, Music & Dialogue

Using sound effects, music, and dialogue, you can bind the various segments of a podcast into one unified whole. Learn how to edit a podcast.

Showing 13-24 of 58 Articles