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A man with blue eyes and gray hair smiles and looks at the camera as he stacks coins in several rows.
Voice Acting
Royalties, Distribution, Promotion and More: Answers...

From royalties to promotion and distribution, there's a lot to consider when it comes to audiobook post production. Get the scoop here!

A young girl tips a bucket and out of it flows a flurry of letters, out into the wind
Voice Acting
Authenticity in Alien Worlds: The Art of Creating...

Constructed languages offer authenticity to films, video games and other project. Advice on creating languages from Dr. Christine Schreyer.

A man stands with arms folded in front of a large illustration of many cogs moving together
Voice Acting
Top Business Podcasts for Entrepreneurs and Leaders

Recommendations provide the the best way to learn about new podcasts. Here are 9 of our top podcasts for entrepreneurs and leaders.

A mixed media image shows a real person's hand 'walking' up a set of illustrated stairs that are adorned with images like lightbulbs, word blurbs, keys and words like success, yes, and goal.
Voice Acting
Top Podcasts for Storytellers and Creative Entrepreneurs

Being in a creative job is amazing, but staying creative can be a challenge. Stay inspired with podcasts for storytellers and entrepreneurs.

A young woman smiles as she records herself for a YouTube video.
An Amazing Influencer Marketing Campaign Case Study

Influencers offer brands access to their audience of hundreds of thousands of fans. See how influencer marketing works with this case study.

A very close up shot of a camera lens, head on
Voice Acting
Why Selecting the Right Voice Over for Your Video is Crucial

Professional voice overs get brands noticed. 7 considerations for choosing a video voice over for your explainer video.

A chalkboard drawing shows a graph with many lines in multiple colors.
Voice Acting
Voice Casting Trends and Popular Voices Revealed

The voice is one of advertising and media’s most powerful vehicles. Voice over casting trends show how people are using and choosing voices.

A woman types on a blue typewriter
Voice Acting
Bobette Buster on The Art of Storytelling

She's a storytelling guru with the chops and the cred to back it up. Bobette Buster shares her insights on what makes masterful storytelling.

An illustration of Stanley Kubrick eyes a flying hamburger
Illustrator Antony Hare on Finding Freelance Success

Have you ever thought about building a freelance business? Antony Hare (New Yorker, New York Times), illustrator, discusses his journey.

Jonathan Kochis, founder of ResIM stands with Chief Branding Officer Stephanie Ciccarelli
Voice Acting
Emerging UX Trends for Creatives

How will UX design continue to evolve to help us navigate our industry, connect with our audience or even impact the job market?

A stack of newspapers
Writing for the Web: Communicating in Headlines

Whether condensing stories to 140 characters or building ‘scannable’ web copy, writing in headlines has never been more useful. Learn how.

A close up of a fan-made R2D2 robot
Voice Acting
Life as an Astromech: How a Film Fan is Giving Back...

You never know how your passion projects and life’s ambitions will intersect. How a fan built an R2D2 to spec and is using it to give back.

Showing 265-276 of 298 Articles