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A mixed media image shows a real person's hand 'walking' up a set of illustrated stairs that are adorned with images like lightbulbs, word blurbs, keys and words like success, yes, and goal.
Voice Acting
Top Podcasts for Storytellers and Creative Entrepreneurs

Being in a creative job is amazing, but staying creative can be a challenge. Stay inspired with podcasts for storytellers and entrepreneurs.

A microphone sits in focus while the background of empty chairs in a conference venue is hazy
Voice Acting
Voice Over Pros: LevelUp Your Career in NYC

Join Voices, industry peers, experts and coaches for this intensive one-day event for those who want to level up their voice over career.

Voice Acting
4 Tips to Keep Players from Tapping the Mute Button on your Game

Do your players enjoy listening to the audio in your casual game? Find out how to improve game audio to give your players an even better experience.

SAG-AFTRA headquarters exterior
The History of SAG-AFTRA

All about the history of how SAG-AFTRA came to be, including why each body was formed and why they decided to join forces.

Voice Acting
Animated Films Where Sound Design Reigns Supreme

How does cinematic sound paint a picture in the viewers mind? Read how animated film through scores and voice over, attracts the listener's ear.

Showing 25-29 of 29 Articles