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Dark-haired woman speaking into phone
Voice Acting
Best Mobile Apps for Voice Actors in 2024

Here's our roundup of the 10 best mobile apps that every voice actor needs to download if they want to thrive in their craft in 2024.

A blonde woman smiles while holding headphones to her ears and standing in front of a microphone.
Voice Acting
What is Voice Over?

In this article, we will explain what voice over is, how it is used in different types of media, and what skills are needed to become one.

A blonde man wearing a grey shirt stands in front of a microphone with a pop filter.
Voice Acting
How to Make a Homemade Pop Filter

Pop filters act as a barrier between you and the mic to improve your voice over recordings. In this blog, we show you how to make your own.

A woman works on her laptop in her office with a purple iMovie logo over her right shoulder.
How To Add Subtitles in iMovie

In this blog post, we'll look at how you can add subtitles in iMovie and why they're so effective. So let's dive into all things iMovie.

A latino man wearing a blue shirt and headphones smiles in front of flags from countries around the world.
How AI is Impacting Translation for Voice Over

We caught up with Richard Carroll to understand how AI is impacting translation services and were the world of translation is headed.

Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning

How do Elearning and traditional learning differ? Here's an in-depth look at the pros and cons of Elearning vs. traditional learning.

A woman typing on her laptop computer editing a podcast
How to Edit a Podcast in GarageBand

If you're looking for a way to edit your podcast using free software, follow these 10 tips for editing a podcast in GarageBand.

A Rode mini microphone sitting on top of a white iphone in front of a white background.
Best External Microphones for iPhone

Are you looking for quality sound for your videos? Here's a list of the top 5 external shotgun microphones for iPhone.

How To Add Music to Instagram Story

Instagram has added features that make it easy to add music to your stories. That creates a whole new way to make your stories stand out.

Voice Acting
7 Innovations That Are Transforming Accessible Tech

Accessible technology is evolving at a rapid rate. From multi-line braille display to wearable keyboards, we look at the 7 best innovations.

A woman listens to her phone on a bench inside, while a man looks towards her and leans against the wall in the hallway.
How Does Text to Speech Work? Part 2 in our TTS Series

There are dozens of scenarios where the use of TTS can be beneficial. Here are some of the most notable applications for text to speech.

An asian woman wearing a green shirt touches the screen display in her airplane seat.
Voice Acting
Voice Overs for Pre Recorded Announcements

We understand the importance of providing high-quality audio services, which is why we're offering PRAM services to any freelance talent.

Showing 25-36 of 80 Articles