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A female agent looks over a contract with a man and a woman in a living room.
Voice Acting
Finding the Right Talent Agent in 2024: A...

A talent agent is a professional who represents voice over artists and other arts performers in the entertainment industry. 

Dark-haired woman speaking into phone
Voice Acting
Best Mobile Apps for Voice Actors in 2024

Here's our roundup of the 10 best mobile apps that every voice actor needs to download if they want to thrive in their craft in 2024.

A woman taps her fingers on a microphone.
Voice Acting
What is ASMR?

In this blog, we will explore the world of ASMR, delve into its origins and understand its effects on the mind and body.

Woman in a blue shirt standing behing a gold mic and pop filter, delivering an audiobook narration read.
How to Make an Audiobook [Independent Publishers]

How to make an audiobook—a definitive guide for independent publishers. Part 1 of 3: what to consider before going into production.

An animated image that says 'The Best Documentaries of the 1980s'
The Best Documentaries of the 1980s

From political upheavals to social justice issues to groundbreaking art, the documentaries of the 1980s captured it all. 

A finger hovering over a computer keyboard with one key that says AI code of ethics.
Our Commitment to Ethical AI

With the rise of artificial intelligence in the voice over industry, we want to share our commitment to ethical AI on our platform.

A man with dark hair and a beard smiles while wearing headphones and talking into a microphone while talking to a blonde woman doing the same.
Voice Acting
Voice Casting: What Is It and Why It Matters

Casting is the process of selecting actors for a particular role. In this blog, we explain what voice casting is and how it works.

A blonde woman smiles while holding headphones to her ears and standing in front of a microphone.
Voice Acting
What is Voice Over?

In this article, we will explain what voice over is, how it is used in different types of media, and what skills are needed to become one.

Video cameras on the set, backstage movie scenes
How Much Do TV Commercials Cost?

How much does it cost to create the commercials we watch on television? In this blog, we'll look at the total costs to create a TV ad.

A man wearing an orange hat and a brunette woman sit in front of a computer editing audio files.
Voice Acting
What is Dubbing?

What exactly is dubbing, and what is it used to achieve? Read this blog to learn about voice over dubbing and real-life examples of it.

A blonde man wearing a grey shirt stands in front of a microphone with a pop filter.
Voice Acting
How to Make a Homemade Pop Filter

Pop filters act as a barrier between you and the mic to improve your voice over recordings. In this blog, we show you how to make your own.

A woman works on her laptop in her office with a purple iMovie logo over her right shoulder.
How To Add Subtitles in iMovie

In this blog post, we'll look at how you can add subtitles in iMovie and why they're so effective. So let's dive into all things iMovie.

Showing 37-48 of 166 Articles