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An illustration of several hands facing up, with hearts on their palms
Voice Acting
Ways to Use Your (Vocal) Gifts to Give Back

If you're a voice over actor, there are many ways you can use your skills to help others. Here are three examples of how you can give back.

Woman lying on a couch listening to a podcast on her smart phone
Voice Acting
How to Promote a Podcast

You have to know how to promote a podcast to grow your listenership. Here are 2 tried and true strategies to help you promote yours.

Image depicting a silhouette of a person with headphones on and the outline of a microphone.
How Audiobook Narrators Find Their Voice

Audiobook narrators on how they find their voice and create original character voices that will inspire and delight.

Ilyana Kadushin on becoming a successful audiobook narrator.
Voice Acting
Becoming an Audiobook Narrator with Ilyana Kadushin

Ilyana Kadushin speaks on becoming an audiobook narrator for the "Twilight" saga by Stephenie Meyer.

Cartoon voice actor Shelly Shenoy in her voice booth.
Voice Acting
How I Became a Successful Cartoon Voice Actor

Becoming a successful cartoon voice actor can be challenging. Voice coach and actor Shelly Shenoy shares her success story.

An illuminated cloud sits in the centre of the image with lines reaching out to various elements - on the left, a symbol of a folder attaches to another symbol of a smart phone, which is connected to a link symbol. The folder is also linked to an icon of a computer monitor. On the right, the cloud connects to a stacked cylinder which is connected to icons for film, pictures, and music. From the top right, the cloud is connected to speech bubbles. Various other image-less circles are connected throughout the image.
Voice Acting
Which Social Networks Are Worth Your Time?

How do you decide where to invest your time online? Tips for getting the most from social networking sites.

A man with blue eyes and gray hair smiles and looks at the camera as he stacks coins in several rows.
Voice Acting
Royalties, Distribution, Promotion and More: Answers...

From royalties to promotion and distribution, there's a lot to consider when it comes to audiobook post production. Get the scoop here!

A man with a beard and glasses sits at a table while looking down at a book. He has a pen pressed to his lips and a pensive expression on his face. A coffee cup sits next to him, a notebook is front of him and a small stack of books sits to the side of him.
6 Voice Over Career Blunders to Avoid

Shelly Shenoy, voice actor and coach shares her insights for voice actors as she dispels misconceptions and provides advice.

A mixed media image shows a real person's hand 'walking' up a set of illustrated stairs that are adorned with images like lightbulbs, word blurbs, keys and words like success, yes, and goal.
Voice Acting
Top Podcasts for Storytellers and Creative Entrepreneurs

Being in a creative job is amazing, but staying creative can be a challenge. Stay inspired with podcasts for storytellers and entrepreneurs.

A young woman smiles as she records herself for a YouTube video.
An Amazing Influencer Marketing Campaign Case Study

Influencers offer brands access to their audience of hundreds of thousands of fans. See how influencer marketing works with this case study.

Female creative in the office
Voice Acting
New to Voices? 3 Ways to Get Plugged In

Educating, equipping and empowering voice talent is what we do. New to Voices? Living the #actorslife online has never been better.

Male creative at work, man, lap top
Voice Acting
Need VO? 3 Ways to Tap into Voices

The creative life is one of adventure, ideation and achievement. Find resources for creatives that meet your need for inspiration at Voices.

Showing 61-72 of 87 Articles