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Online Learning vs. Traditional Learning

How do Elearning and traditional learning differ? Here's an in-depth look at the pros and cons of Elearning vs. traditional learning.

A man looking at a computer, wearing a black shirt.
The Best Professional Video Editing Software Programs...

This list includes the best video editing software programs with their advantages and key characteristics to help you find the best software.

Best Metronomes: Digital Metronomes

All ten metronomes in this lisy have standout features to make them a worthy buy. They are organized from highest to lowest average price.

Voice Acting
7 Innovations That Are Transforming Accessible Tech

Accessible technology is evolving at a rapid rate. From multi-line braille display to wearable keyboards, we look at the 7 best innovations.

How to Create a Freelancer Business Website Using...

The best way to create a freelancer website is to use a content management system like WordPress and install the Elementor website builder plugin.

YouTube Ad Scripts: What to Say in the First 5 Seconds

Five seconds isn’t a lot of time to make a lasting impression, but that’s precisely the challenge content creators face when crafting video ads for YouTube.

woman sitting at desk looking pensive
The Role of Written Content Today

Written content is still overwhelmingly popular with both consumers and marketers despite audio content’s prevalence.

Woman standing with arms crossed surrounded by audio gear
Here’s What Readers are Saying About Our 2022...

Here's what readers are saying about the emerging trends we identified and predictions we made in our 2022 Trends Report.

Woman in a blue shirt standing behing a gold mic and pop filter, delivering an audiobook narration read.
How to Pick an Audiobook Narrator

Once you get to the production phase of make an audiobook, you need to decide on narration and audio editing. Here's what to consider!

Woman standing in the street smiling while holding her headphones that are draped around her neck
How Sympaphonic Ads Skyrocket Audience Engagement

Digital audio advertising is a growing area of marketing and sympaphonic ads are just one way you can use utilize it! Dunkin' Donuts and Cox Communications...

6 Tips for Removing Breaths from Audio Recordings | Blog - Where clients and voice actors can find valuable information on pre-production, technology, animation, video and audio production, home recording studios, business growth, voice acting and auditions, celebrity voice actors, voiceover industry news and more!
4 Tips for Removing Breaths and Mouse Noises from...

Struggled with editing out unwanted noises and breaths? Get expert advice from sound engineers on how to remove breaths from your recording.

4 Ways to Take Great Headshots at Home

A headshot is a critical component to how you market yourself online. Here are 4 major considerations to keep in mind when shooting yours from the comfort of...

Showing 61-72 of 104 Articles