
What is SSML?

Keaton Robbins | September 6, 2023

Two women sit on a couch working on their computers.

In the expanding universe of voice technology, numerous technologies and tools are coming to the forefront. Among these, the Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) holds a place of prominence. 

It’s the unsung hero behind the scenes, making synthetic voices sound more natural and expressive than ever before. 

In this article

  1. Unveiling SSML: The Basics
  2. The Power of SSML: Shaping The Voice of AI
  3. SSML in Action: Crafting the Voice Experience
  4. Looking Ahead: The Future of SSML
  5. Embracing the Language of Voice Technology

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Let’s step into the world of SSML and understand how it breathes life into the voice of AI.

Unveiling SSML: The Basics

Speech Synthesis Markup Language, commonly known as SSML, is a standardized markup language designed to give developers control over voice synthesis. In essence, it allows developers to manipulate aspects such as pronunciation, pitch, rate, volume, and more, to create more natural-sounding and intelligible speech in synthesized voices.

Consider SSML as the director of a play, guiding the performers (in this case, the synthetic voices) on how to deliver their lines to achieve maximum impact.

The Power of SSML: Shaping The Voice of AI

SSML is instrumental in adding the human touch to synthetic voices. It can make a voice whisper, pause for dramatic effect, articulate a difficult word correctly, and even change its tone to denote a question. All of these refinements contribute to creating a more engaging and realistic voice experience.

By dictating how text should be converted to speech, SSML ensures that the synthesized voice isn’t just mechanically reading out text, but is also communicating in a way that resonates with the listener. This makes SSML a powerful tool in industries ranging from entertainment and advertising to accessibility and customer service.

SSML in Action: Crafting the Voice Experience

To understand SSML’s impact, consider a simple example: “The wind is picking up.” Read in a flat, monotonous tone, the listener may not grasp the urgency of the statement. But with SSML, developers can instruct the voice to stress “picking up,” conveying a sense of urgency and enhancing the listener’s understanding.

By adding SSML tags within the text, developers can also dictate how the synthesized voice should interpret acronyms, dates, or foreign words. This helps avoid common pitfalls of text-to-speech synthesis where words are pronounced incorrectly or lack the intended emphasis.

Looking Ahead: The Future of SSML

As voice technology advances, the role of SSML will only grow in significance. With improvements in natural language understanding and speech synthesis, SSML will become more sophisticated and effective in crafting high-quality voice experiences.

In the near future, we may see SSML that can better adapt to real-time user feedback, or even replicate subtle aspects of human speech such as emotion and regional accents. The potential of SSML is vast, and it’s exciting to imagine where it will lead us in the voice revolution.

Embracing the Language of Voice Technology

The rise of SSML is reshaping our interactions with voice technology, making them more natural, engaging, and effective. As we stand on the brink of a new era in voice technology, SSML invites us to participate in a grand adventure, one where we shape the voice of AI to mirror the diversity and richness of human speech.

The voice revolution continues to evolve, and with SSML at the helm, it’s setting sail towards a future where AI speaks not just our language, but also our dialects, emotions, and nuances. Are you ready to speak the language of the future? It’s here, and it’s called SSML.

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