Voice Acting

Creating an Animation Script Template

Keaton Robbins | June 21, 2024

Here are some best practices for setting up your animation script template:

It’s crucial to use the correct animation script format to include extra details and information for the animators or voice actors.

In this article

  1. Typeface
  2. Tabs
  3. Margins
  4. Action slugs
  5. Dialogue
  6. Personal Direction
  7. Character Name
  8. Page Numbers
  9. Body of Animation Script
  10. Scene Transitions
  11. Fade In/Fade Out
  12. Page Breaks
  13. Primary and Secondary Slugs
  14. New Characters
  15. Shot Sequencing
  16. Character Dialogue
  17. Beyond Animation Scripts


Courier font, 10 characters per inch. Do not use different, special or artsy-looking typefaces. They distract from your script and suggest an amateurish approach to industry professionals.


Set regular tabs at 10 CPI


Set at 1.5 inches from left side of paper, and 7.3 inches from left side of paper.

Action slugs

Set them between the main margins, with blank lines before and after.


This should run between 2.5 inches from the left edge of the paper and 5.8 inches from the left side. Single-space all dialogue.

Including sound effects alongside dialogue is also recommended to enhance the storytelling in animation scripts.

Personal Direction

Set at 3 inches from the left edge of the paper, single-spaced.

Character Name

Set at 3.5 inches from the left side of the page. Single-space between Character Name, Direction and Dialogue

Page Numbers

Insert into third line of the header, 7.5 inches from the left page edge.

Body of Animation Script

Runs from lines 7 through 60 on the page

The body of the script is where the main action happens. It should be engaging and keep the audience hooked. Each scene should serve a purpose and move the story forward. Dialogue should be natural and reveal character traits or advance the plot. Descriptions should be vivid but concise, painting a clear picture without overwhelming the reader.

To ensure the story is easy to follow, it’s crucial to organize plot points clearly.

Scene Transitions

6 inches from the left page edge.

Fade In/Fade Out

Always start your script with FADE IN: and end it with FADE OUT. Do not number your scenes, and do not use CONTINUED between pages.

Page Breaks

Use MORE to break dialogue between pages. 3.5 inches from the left page edge. Use CONT’D to the right of the Character Name at the start of the next page.

Primary and Secondary Slugs

Primary or Location Slugs should be ALL CAPS, at the left margin Examples: INT. (interior), EXT. (Exterior), Camera Angle/Distance, Scene Location, Time of Day.

Secondary Slugs indicate where you need to cut to a new character, use a new camera angle or shift to a new scene. Example: “ANGLE ON SHERIFF WOODY, ON WOODY, lying beneath a pile of blocks.”

In live action scripts, scene transitions and camera angles are often more detailed to guide the physical filming process, whereas animated scripts may focus more on the vibrant worlds and storytelling styles, though the basic screenplay format remains similar for both mediums.

Use blank lines before and after your primary and secondary slugs.

New Characters

Use UPPER CASE the first time a character name is used. Title Case every time thereafter.

Character development is crucial in creating great scripts for animation, as it helps in understanding storytelling techniques and improving scriptwriting skills.

Shot Sequencing

Number shots Shot #1, Shot #2, etc.

Character Dialogue

When delivered onscreen: CHARACTER
When delivered offscreen: CHARACTER (O.S.)
Voice Over: VOICE (V.O.)

Writing dialogue for an animated movie requires special attention to the visual storytelling elements, as the characters’ expressions and actions can significantly enhance the spoken words.

Beyond Animation Scripts

If you’re looking for script inspiration or ways to hone your skills, check out our collection of sample scripts here.

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  • Avatar for Alade Samson
    Alade Samson
    June 25, 2024, 12:19 pm

    Nice work
