
The Best Radio Ads of the 2010s 

Keaton Robbins | June 27, 2023

An animated image that says 'The Best Radio Ads of 2010s'

The 2010s witnessed a dynamic era of advertising, with the rise of digital platforms and the increasing dominance of social media. 

However, amidst these groundbreaking changes, traditional media channels like radio continued to hold their ground, serving as a reliable and effective medium for advertising. 

In this article

  1. The Resilience of Radio Advertising
  2. Targeting the Right Audience
  3. Engaging and Memorable Ads
  4. Integration with Digital Platforms
  5. Sponsorships and Endorsements
  6. Integration of Digital Analytics
  7. Localized and Community-Focused Advertising
  8. Coca-Cola – “Share a Coke” (2011)
  9. Snickers – “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” (2012)
  10. Volkswagen – “The Force” (2011)
  11. Spotify – “Thanks, 2016. It’s Been Weird” (2016)
  12. Nike – “Find Your Greatness” (2012)
  13. Conclusion

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In this blog, we delve into the world of radio advertising in the 2010s, exploring its significance, strategies, and how it adapted to the evolving advertising landscape.

The Resilience of Radio Advertising

Despite the advent of digital media, radio advertising maintained its relevance and impact throughout the 2010s. Its unique ability to reach a wide and diverse audience, engage listeners during their daily routines, and offer cost-effective solutions made it an attractive option for advertisers.

Targeting the Right Audience

One of the key strengths of radio advertising in the 2010s was its ability to target specific audiences. By analyzing listenership demographics and relying on research data, advertisers could tailor their messages to reach specific age groups, geographic regions, and even niche interests. This level of targeting ensured that the right message reached the right ears, enhancing the effectiveness of campaigns.

Engaging and Memorable Ads

Radio advertisements in the 2010s were characterized by their creativity and ability to captivate listeners. Given the absence of visual elements, advertisers had to rely solely on sound and storytelling to create impactful ads. This led to the rise of catchy jingles, memorable taglines, and captivating narratives that stuck in listeners’ minds.

Integration with Digital Platforms

While radio remained a traditional medium, it did not shy away from embracing digital advancements in the 2010s. Many radio stations and advertising agencies leveraged the power of online platforms to extend the reach of their campaigns. This included streaming live broadcasts, creating online communities, and even utilizing social media channels to promote radio ads and engage with listeners.

Sponsorships and Endorsements

The 2010s witnessed a surge in sponsorships and endorsements on radio. Brands partnered with radio stations and popular personalities to promote their products or services. This approach increased brand visibility and created a sense of trust and familiarity among listeners, as they associated their favorite shows and hosts with the endorsed brands.

Integration of Digital Analytics

With the rise of digital analytics, radio advertising in the 2010s began incorporating data-driven strategies. Advertisers used call-to-action codes, unique URLs, and promo codes to track the effectiveness of their campaigns. This data helped them gauge the impact of radio advertising, measure ROI, and make informed decisions for future campaigns.

Localized and Community-Focused Advertising

Radio has always been a local medium, and in the 2010s, it continued to foster a sense of community through advertising. Local businesses leveraged radio to target specific regions, connecting with their immediate audience and reinforcing their local presence. This localized approach created a more personal connection between businesses and consumers.

Now, we will delve into the best radio ads of the 2010s, exploring how these ads embraced the limitations of the medium and transformed them into opportunities for storytelling and brand building:

Coca-Cola – “Share a Coke” (2011)

In 2011, Coca-Cola launched its iconic “Share a Coke” campaign, which included a memorable radio ad. This ad featured the sound of a Coke can opening, followed by a refreshing sip, instantly creating an auditory association with the beverage. The ad then encouraged listeners to share a Coke with friends and loved ones, inspiring a sense of togetherness and fostering an emotional connection with the brand. 

Snickers – “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” (2012)

Snickers’ “You’re Not You When You’re Hungry” campaign took radio advertising to new heights with its clever concept. The ads featured scenarios in which people were acting irrationally due to hunger, only to be transformed into their true selves after eating a Snickers bar. These ads effectively used sound effects and voice acting to bring the scenarios to life, leaving listeners with a humorous and memorable impression. 

Volkswagen – “The Force” (2011)

Volkswagen’s “The Force” ad from 2011 became an instant classic, blending the power of audio and storytelling. The ad featured a young boy pretending to be Darth Vader attempting to use “The Force” on various objects, including his father’s Volkswagen Passat. The ad cleverly used the iconic Star Wars theme and the boy’s imaginative sound effects to create a heartwarming and relatable story, ultimately highlighting the joy and excitement associated with owning a Volkswagen. 

Spotify – “Thanks, 2016. It’s Been Weird” (2016)

Spotify’s radio ad campaign in 2016 took a unique approach by using listeners’ personal data to create personalized and relatable ads. The ads humorously reflected users’ listening habits, highlighting the diverse range of music they enjoyed throughout the year. By leveraging data and tailoring the ads to individual listeners, Spotify demonstrated its understanding of its audience while showcasing the breadth of content available on its platform. 

Nike – “Find Your Greatness” (2012)

Nike’s “Find Your Greatness” campaign in 2012 delivered an empowering message through its radio ad. The ad featured a powerful voice over accompanied by sounds of athletic movements, such as footsteps, grunts, and the swish of a basketball net. It encouraged listeners to embrace their individuality and find their own greatness in sports and everyday life. By using sound to amplify the intensity and determination of athletes, Nike created an engaging and inspiring ad that resonated with listeners.


In an era dominated by digital media, radio advertising in the 2010s proved its resilience and adaptability. 

By targeting specific audiences, captivating listeners with engaging content, integrating digital platforms, and embracing data-driven strategies, radio advertising continued to deliver effective results for brands. 

While the landscape of advertising may have changed significantly in the past decade, the power of radio to reach and engage audiences remains constant, making it a valuable channel for advertisers even today.

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