Voice Acting

Making Your Voice Actor Comfortable: A Guide to Successful Live Directed Sessions

Keaton Robbins | October 4, 2023

A blonde woman speaks into microphone in a studio.

When venturing into the world of voice acting, cultivating an environment that promotes comfort, creativity, and collaboration is key to producing work of the highest quality. 

In this article

  1. 1. Establish Clear Expectations
  2. 2. Create a Relaxed Atmosphere
  3. 3. Keep the Energy Positive
  4. 4. Open Lines of Communication
  5. 5. Provide Specific Direction
  6. 6. Encourage Actor’s Input
  7. 7. Allow for Breaks
  8. 8. Express Gratitude
  9. Conclusion

Live directed sessions require a synergy between the director and the voice actor, allowing for real-time adjustments and feedback. 

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Let’s delve into the strategies to make your voice actor comfortable during a live directed session, ensuring a harmonious and productive collaboration:

1. Establish Clear Expectations

Before the session begins, make sure to communicate clear expectations regarding the role, the script, and any specific requirements. Providing background information on the character, context, and desired tone will help the actor understand and immerse themselves in the role, fostering a smoother session.

2. Create a Relaxed Atmosphere

Maintain a friendly and welcoming environment. Initiating the session with a brief casual conversation can ease tensions and form a connection between you and the actor, making the session more enjoyable and productive.

3. Keep the Energy Positive

Encouragement and positive reinforcement can significantly impact the voice actor’s performance. Offer constructive feedback and commend their strengths, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and collaboration.

4. Open Lines of Communication

Ensure there is an open and clear channel for communication. Platforms like Zoom or Skype are popular choices for virtual directed sessions, enabling seamless interaction and exchange of ideas. This ensures that any necessary modifications can be addressed promptly, saving time and avoiding frustration.

5. Provide Specific Direction

When giving feedback, being specific and concise is vital. Avoid ambiguous or general statements and focus on providing clear, actionable direction to help the actor understand exactly what is needed, reducing confusion and ensuring efficient use of time.

6. Encourage Actor’s Input

Voice actors bring a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to the table. Inviting them to share their insights and suggestions can enhance the overall quality of the project and create a sense of shared ownership and engagement.

7. Allow for Breaks

Voice acting can be strenuous. Permitting short breaks during the session will allow the actor to rest their voice, stay hydrated, and maintain peak performance throughout the session.

8. Express Gratitude

At the conclusion of the session, expressing gratitude and appreciating the actor’s contribution can leave a lasting impression, fostering a positive relationship and paving the way for future collaborations.


A successful live directed session is characterized by a harmonious collaboration between the director and the voice actor. 

By creating a relaxed atmosphere, establishing clear communication, and encouraging input, you set the stage for a productive session and high-quality output. 

It is the joint responsibility of both parties to cultivate a supportive environment that is conducive to creativity and excellence.

Remember, every actor is unique, and adapting your approach to suit the individual can make all the difference. By implementing these strategies, you can ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for your voice actor, ultimately elevating the overall quality of your voice over project.

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