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A mixed media image shows a real person's hand 'walking' up a set of illustrated stairs that are adorned with images like lightbulbs, word blurbs, keys and words like success, yes, and goal.
Voice Acting
Top Podcasts for Storytellers and Creative Entrepreneurs

Being in a creative job is amazing, but staying creative can be a challenge. Stay inspired with podcasts for storytellers and entrepreneurs.

A chalkboard drawing shows a graph with many lines in multiple colors.
Voice Acting
Voice Casting Trends and Popular Voices Revealed

The voice is one of advertising and media’s most powerful vehicles. Voice over casting trends show how people are using and choosing voices.

A woman types on a blue typewriter
Voice Acting
Bobette Buster on The Art of Storytelling

She's a storytelling guru with the chops and the cred to back it up. Bobette Buster shares her insights on what makes masterful storytelling.

A person sits with a coffee in one hand and an open book in their lap
Voice Acting
6 Business Audiobooks to Help You Develop and Execute...

No time for an MBA? If you want to spark great ideas and develop winning strategy these 6 books may be just what you need!

Computer generated characters show a person in a motion capture suit in front of a screen, being recorded by someone with a camera and computer
Voice Acting
Animation Stars Talk About How They Find the Character

How do Billy West, Reuben Langdon and Paul St. Peter find the character? Read on to discover how they make animators dreams come true!

Full Time Voice Over Jobs
Voice Acting
Want to Act Full-Time? How to Go from Hobbyist to...

Ever wonder how to make your voice acting or acting hobby into a full time career? Heidi Dean founder of Marketing 4 Actors explains how and when to quit your...

People having snacks and watching a movie in a theater.
Entertainment Commercial Sample Scripts

Get inspired to write or practice your voice over skills, with this sample sports script and television show commercial script!

Transformers Age of Extinction
Voice Acting
Who Are the Voices in Transformers: Age of Extinction?

Wondering who the voice actors are in Transformers Age of Extinction? Look no further. Here is the list of who voices the characters.

Monsters University
Voice Acting
Who are the Voice Actors in Monsters Inc. and Monsters...

Wondering who the voice actors are in the Monsters Inc? Here is the list of who voices the characters in the cast.

The Power of Narrators in Video Production

Guest Author ManMade Media, a production company from Denver, shares why narration in in video is so effective from a producers prospective.

Showing 133-142 of 142 Articles