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A book sits open with blank pages. Above it is a scene with mountains, a house, people and a car. A rainbow is in the sky, along with clouds.
Voice Acting
Bringing Characters to Life

Being in character can be difficult - but it can also be a thrill. Chris Nitchter loves character work and gives tips on staying in character.

A man sits surrounded by studio tech gear like headphones, a soundboard, a preamp and speakers. You can see the man's hands and arms only as the operate the computer and the preamp.
Voice Acting
What’s on Your Studio Tech Gear Wish List?

Looking for something new to put in your booth? Learn about the studio tech gear that top talent can't live without!

An on air sign is illuminated to the right of the image. It is lit up in red and casts a red light to the left.
Voice Acting
Radio Is Not the Same as Voice Over

Susan Berkley, former radio announcer, gives her thoughts on how a radio personality can transition into a voice acting career.

A hand holds up a compass on the left side of the image. The background is blurry but shows a path through hills that have lots of yellow flowered shrubs.
Script Interpretation – Letting the Copy be Your...

Want to be better at reading copy? Brian Thon shares his tricks for interpreting a script and breathing life into copy.

The word brand is embossed in lower case letters, diagonally across a piece of paper. The "a" is teal, while everything else is grey.
Voice Acting
Branding – Creating Your Personal Brand Through...

Creating a brand sounds like a daunting task. Get some tips from Voices on how to make yourself stand out!

Fire-breathing dragon. Smaug-like dragon from The Hobbit.
Voice Acting
6 Ways Facial Expression and Physicality Play into the...

When actors are free to move about and exaggerate facial expressions, their voice and overall performance takes on a more authentic quality.

The hands of five people are placed on a table, each one working away at a puzzle or sketching out a solution to a problem.
Voice Acting
Hiring a VO? 5 Tips to Set Your Voice Over Project Up...

Save time and money. These 5 tips for Voices clients can help you get your voice over project completed efficiently and effectively.

A young woman takes notes as she receives instruction from a video on her laptop
Writing an Educational Script? Tips from a New York...

Writing an educational script can be a challenge. Learn how an Emmy Award-winning scriptwriter makes dry content engaging and entertaining!

A close up of a script describes a scene between a police man and a robber
Voice Acting
Recording a Demo: How to Choose the Right Script for You

Once know that you’re ready to record, having the right voice over demo script becomes fundamentally important. Here's how to find one.

female, actress, talent, actor, auditioning, auditions
Tips for Living the La La Land #ActorsLife

Has auditioning changed much over the years? If you enjoyed Singing in the Rain, you'll love La La Land and this modern take on auditioning.

A very close up shot of a camera lens, head on
Voice Acting
Why Selecting the Right Voice Over for Your Video is Crucial

Professional voice overs get brands noticed. 7 considerations for choosing a video voice over for your explainer video.

A woman holds a clapper half open as she looks at the camera
Voice Acting
How to Cast Your Voice Over Project Like a Pro

Wondering how to choose the right actor for your voice over project? Flying Canvas Productions shares their pro tips! Read it now.

Showing 145-156 of 168 Articles