Search results for Brave

An animated image of a superhero and a villain flying into battle against a full moon.
Voice Acting
Video Game Voice Over Sample Scripts: Heroes Versus...

An interesting video game character also has an intriguing voice. Here are 2 sample scripts to serve as inspiration for video game developers.

A man laughs heartily in the background. In the foreground is a video camera capturing his testimonial
Voice Acting
Raw Footage: The Art of Capturing an Emotional...

Producing a testimonial video? Using the right interview techniques can make the difference between movie magic and a video flop. Here's how.

A group of co-workers sit and share a laugh together in a meeting.
Voice Acting
The Relationship Between Trust, Creativity and Improv

Build team trust, and you will build incredible characters and storylines too. How to use improv to improve your team creativity - read here.

Transformers Age of Extinction
Voice Acting
Who Are the Voices in Transformers: Age of Extinction?

Wondering who the voice actors are in Transformers Age of Extinction? Look no further. Here is the list of who voices the characters.

Showing 13-16 of 16 Articles