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An animated image of a hand holding up a smartphone with little icons and lines showing how each is connected
Connecting Remotely for Live Directed Sessions in 2023

Compare the features of various technologies voice actors and clients use to connect remotely, from ISDN to Source-Connect, Skype, and Zoom.

A photo of black headphones and a microphone.
Voice Acting
What is the Mid-Atlantic Accent?

In this blog post, we will explore the Mid-Atlantic accent, its origins, characteristics, and its enduring legacy.

Male speaker on the stage wearing suit at media press conference.
What You Need to Know About Political Ads on Television

A political ad is an advertisement for a political candidate or issue that can air on various media platforms like television and radio.

An animated image that says 'The Best Documentaries of the 1980s'
The Best Documentaries of the 1980s

From political upheavals to social justice issues to groundbreaking art, the documentaries of the 1980s captured it all. 

A photo of a woman in her office opening the Christian meditation app Abide on her phone.
Voice Acting
The Top Meditation Apps with Voice Over

Meditation has seen a major surge in popularity in the past five years. Here are some top meditation apps that feature famous voices.

A brunette woman wearing a pink shirt speaks into a microphone.
What Makes a Good Radio Ad?

Radio ads can be an effective way to reach a large audience. In this blog, we'll discuss some elements that make a good radio advertisement.

A woman works on her laptop in her office with a purple iMovie logo over her right shoulder.
How To Add Subtitles in iMovie

In this blog post, we'll look at how you can add subtitles in iMovie and why they're so effective. So let's dive into all things iMovie.

A man with a beard and dark hair adjusts a microphone in a studio.
Voice Acting
How to Stand in Front of a Microphone

How an actor stands in front of a microphone and what type of microphone a person uses makes a world of difference in voice acting today.

A man with dark hair wearing headphones, works at a computer station.
What Is an Instructional Designer?

This article explores the basics, roles, and prominent people in instructional design, a role that indirectly impacts voice actors.

A man looking at a computer, wearing a black shirt.
The Best Professional Video Editing Software Programs...

This list includes the best video editing software programs with their advantages and key characteristics to help you find the best software.

young man dj works in modern broadcast studio
Voice Acting
What To Do Before, During, and After the Live Directed...

How do people in different locations record audio? Serious voice actors know they use live direct sessions to optimize remote recording. 

In this photo illustration the officia
Voice Acting
Who is the Voice of Joe Biden Ads?

Elizabeth Saydah is a talented voice actress based out of Los Angeles. Saydah was the voice you heard behind the Joe Biden campaign ads.

Showing 37-48 of 159 Articles