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Female voice actor wearing headphones while recording her voice at microphone equipped with pop filter
Voice Acting
14 Career Goals for Voice Actors in 2023

The new year is upon us, and that means it's time to map out some career goals that voice actors can set out to achieve in 2024.

Voice Over Tech Wish List animated image
Voice Acting
Voice Actors’ Tech Wish Lists for 2023

The Voices Insiders share what should be on your 2023 voice over tech wish list—from mics to DAWs, to home studio upgrades, and more.

The Voices Insiders
Voice Acting
A Day in the Life as a Voice Actor in 2020

The Voices Insiders share how their lives have changed due to COVID-19, plus tips to create your new voice over routine in 2020 and beyond.

The silhouettes of two trapeze artists show one extending his hands to the other, who is in mid-air
Voice Acting
Voice Over Business Development Insights from VO Pros

Growing your voice acting career is challenging. Get 3 key insights from pro voice actors on how to become more successful in voice acting.

Outsourcing audio editing
Outsourcing Your Audio Editing

Learn why voice actors and creative producers alike are outsourcing their audio editing to professional audio engineers.

The Voices Insiders
Voice Acting
Unconventional Voice Over Tips from Professional Voice Actors

Become a master of productivity with this collection of out-of-the-box and unconventional voice over tips shared by the Voices Insiders.

Happy female radio host broadcasting in studio
Voice Acting
5 Ways the Voice Actor's Life May Change Because of COVID-19

Learn about the five ways that voice actors' lives have changed since the emergence of COVID-19, and how to best navigate this new normal.

Smiling bearded voice actor holding a water bottle
Vocal Health
How Do You Maintain a Healthy Voice?

When you have a sore throat, phlegm up to your ears, or you're vocally tired, how do you maintain a healthy voice? Find out!

young man typing on laptop
Voice Acting
How to Write a Strong Proposal

Learn how to write an effective proposal that will tell clients who you are and what you’re capable of when you audition for voice over work.

A photo shows the Palace of Westminster (in the UK) at dusk
Voice Acting
Behind the Scenes of the UK Voice Acting Industry

Even in a global economy, regional nuances to conducting business matter. Learn how the UK voice acting industry operates.

Motion capture
Voice Acting
How to Become a Motion Capture Actor

Are you trying to get into motion capture? Discover more about what it takes to be a motion capture actor and what's expected of you on set.

voice over resolution
Voice Acting
Voice Over Resolutions: Goals for the Year and Beyond

As a voice over artist, setting a voice over resolution yourself for the year ahead is a great way to ensure that you achieve success.

Showing 49-60 of 158 Articles