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YouTube Ad Scripts: What to Say in the First 5 Seconds

Five seconds isn’t a lot of time to make a lasting impression, but that’s precisely the challenge content creators face when crafting video ads for YouTube.

Male audio producer sits at desk looking intently at a computer screen where he is using audio software to design a sonic logo
How We Created the Voices Sonic Logo

Need inspiration for establishing your brand’s audio identity? Read the story of how we created the Voices sonic logo from scratch.

Audio Editing Tutorial
How To Get Started With Audio Editing – An...

Voice-powered content like podcasts, audio ads, music and audiobooks have risen in popularity and often requiring the editing skills of an audio editor.

A woman using a bullhorn
How to Create Audio Ads: 8 Tips for Digital Advertising

Audio ads are being used more and more often every year. Read our detailed guide on how to create audio ads to get ahead of your competitiors

man sitting at desk looking pensively at his laptop screen with a mic and pop filter to his right
Measuring Podcast Performance (It's More Than Just Analytics)

Learn what KPI's and benchmarks to set for your podcast as well as what considerations to make when deciding how to measure your podcast.

smart phone and tablet sitting on dark wood desk with voice over script and Voices job on their screens respectively
Voice Acting
7 Apps Voice Actors Use to Mark Up Scripts

7 reliable mark up apps that voice actors can use to mark up their digital voice over scripts with performance cues.

Woman sitting at a desk in front of a laptop, contemplating a serious issue
Best Project Management Apps for Creative Producers

Proejct management apps to help keep teams organized. But it's not one-size-fits-all. Here are the top 6 and who they're best suited for.

Wavve Logo
Wavve – The Ultimate Guide to Converting Audio...

Wavve is a service that let's you create a video from audio so you can share it on social media. Upload audio to Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube and LinkedIn.

Animation of man and robot looking at each other with a voice icon in between them
When to Use Synthetic Voices: An AI Voice Guide for...

Our Synthetic Voice Matrix tells you when an AI voice is suitable to use for your project and uncovers the pros and cons of synthetic voices.

A black smart home speaker sitting on a brown circular piece of wood.
Synthetic and AI Voices: Market Size and How...

AI voice tech is projected to be a $36B industry by 2025. There is unprescidented opportunity to invest in synthetic voice development and here's how.

Collage of voice actors who mane up the Voice Insiders panel
Voices Insiders—A Year in Review and What to Expect...

The Voices Insiders Program has fostered a place of authentic sharing of perspective and know-how between voice actors of all backgrounds. Want to join?

Image for best productivity apps
Voice Acting
Top 10 Best Apps for Productivity

In today's world of technological advances, there are many apps available to help you through the day. Here are the best productivity apps.

Showing 73-84 of 162 Articles