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Woman relaxing on a couch with a cup of tea. Taking downtime to protect her creative process and be her most productive self afterwards.
Productivity and The Importance of Taking Downtime

Discover the importance of taking downtime and brain breaks, and some unique ways to find downtime in your busy schedule.

The Art of Subtitling & Dubbing for International Markets
Subtitling and Dubbing for International Markets

A look at how subtitling & dubbing are used across the world by clients who want to distribute their messages on an international scale.

Animation budget graphic
Voice Acting
Producing Animation: An Animation Budget Template

Creating an animation can be affordable. Use this animation budget template to outline your production costs.

Infographic style. A weigh scale with 5 people on the left side, and 2 people on the right side to depict the pros and cons on using many voice actors for 1 character each, or fewer voice actors for many characters each, when casting voice over for elearning courses.
Voice Acting
How Many Actors Are Best for Elearning Character Voices?

Weighing out why, how & when to use multiple voice actors for elearning course voice overs, especially when budget & time constraints are priority.

A young woman, presumably listening to her elearning course, sits outside in a school courtyard with her laptop on her lap.
Sample Voice Over Scripts for Elearning

Instructional designers and course producers can use these voice over sample scripts as inspiration when they're writing their course scripts

A man sits surrounded by studio tech gear like headphones, a soundboard, a preamp and speakers. You can see the man's hands and arms only as the operate the computer and the preamp.
Voice Acting
What’s on Your Studio Tech Gear Wish List?

Looking for something new to put in your booth? Learn about the studio tech gear that top talent can't live without!

female voice talent, microphone, pop filter
Does Your Voice Acting Profile Do Your Talent Justice?

Want to attract more clients to hear your voice? Discover how easy it is to get your voice over demos uploaded and searchable at Voices.

A man wearing a ballcap and headphones has his back turned to the camera as he speaks into a microphone in an isobooth
Personal Branding & Promotion for Voice Actors

Ever wonder what makes the difference between a professional voice actor and a beginner? Learn about the impact of branding & promotion here.

How to Beef Up Your Brand Through Storytelling

While voice actors are paid to talk, many have difficulty speaking to what they provide and attracting people to more than just keywords.

Why Does a Completed Profile Matter at Voices? Find...

Discover more about how you can ensure that your profile is the absolute best that it can be from someone who has learned the hard way.

Voice Acting
Old School Radio Pictures

Generally there are two camps that professional voice over artists hail from background wise; theatre and broadcast radio.

Why You Should Have More Than 1 Voice Over Demo
Voice Acting
Why You Should Have More Than 1 Voice Over Demo

Discover a number of reasons why you should have a demo for every major application of voice over that you offer your clients.

Showing 73-84 of 86 Articles