Search results for voiceover

Voice Acting
10 Voice Tips for Women to be Heard More

Communicating effectively can be a challenge for both men and women, however, women have a unique set of challenges to overcome.

Voice Acting
The Emotional Voice

Is it the sound of the voice that captures an audience or the motivation behind how the voice over artist paints their words and delivers the copy?

Voice Acting
Trends in Children’s Voice Casting

Sometimes the voices you hear in commercials and animation aren’t the same age as they sound!

iAudition App Helps You Audition On The Go

Designed by voice over artists for voice over artists, iAudition enables you to cut audio files on the go to send to your agent, casting directors and more!

Voice Acting
Some Tips For Celebrity Voice Matching

We’ll take a look at some factors that play into voice matching and discover a couple of resources specific to the art of voice matching and imitation.

How to Beef Up Your Brand Through Storytelling

While voice actors are paid to talk, many have difficulty speaking to what they provide and attracting people to more than just keywords.

Voice Acting
Why Cold Reading Skills Are a Must For Voice Actors

The ability to think & speak on your feet is essential to a number of voice over jobs including animation, video game voice acting, live announcing & more

Voice Acting
Marc Cashman Shares 12 Top Voice Over Skills in 2023

Voice over instructor and performer Marc Cashman describes 12 voice over skill sets that will help you to refine your current skills and develop new ones in...

Why Is Practicing So Important?

Great artists all struggle with practicing. Marc gives you the inspiration you need to overcome the urge not to practice.

Voice Acting
How To Become A Voice Actor Fresh Out of High School

Discover how you can make voice over your first career fresh out of school.

Voice Acting
Meet the Industry : Voice Talent Agents

Agents are very selective, but as we’ve said earlier, there is a voice for every job and a job for every voice. Does an agency shoe fit for you?

Showing 97-107 of 107 Articles