Voice Acting

Why Snoop Dogg is Lending His Voice in ‘Doggyland’

Keaton Robbins | April 10, 2023

An animated image of five dog characters in Snoop Dogg's new animated show, Doggyland.

Snoop Dogg, also known as Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr. is a rapper, actor, and entrepreneur. 

He is known for his distinctive and nasally rapping style, features vivid storytelling and references to his experiences growing up in Long Beach, California. 

In this article

  1. What is ‘Doggyland’?
  2. Snoop Dogg Positive Quotes

Snoop Dogg is considered by many as one of the creators and fathers of modern hip-hop and rap culture. His unique musical style often combines elements of funk, soul and rap. 

On top of his music, Snoop Dogg is also an advocate for mental health and wellness awareness. He’s created a number of projects aimed at spreading this message to his fans. 

What is ‘Doggyland’?

One of Snoop Dogg’s most notable projects in this realm is ‘Doggyland’, a virtual reality experience that he created in collaboration with startup company SuperWorld. Doggyland is a completely digital world that allows users to explore different environments and interact with various objects and characters. It’s designed to be a safe and uplifting space where users can escape the stresses of the real world and focus on positivity and wellness. 

Snoop Dogg actually provides the voice over for Bow Wizzle, the main character in ‘Doggyland Kids Songs & Nursery Rhymes’. 

Snoop Dogg Positive Quotes

In addition to Doggyland, Snoop Dogg has also released a number of songs with positive and uplifting messages. 

Here are a few of his most popular affirmations: 

“You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn to surf.” 

This affirmation is all about resilience and the power of the human spirit to overcome challenges.

“I don’t want to be perfect, I just want to be great.” 

This affirmation is about letting go of the idea of perfection and embracing the journey towards greatness. It’s easy to get bogged down by the pressure to be perfect, but in reality, it’s more important to focus on progress and growth.

“Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.” 

This affirmation is all about the power of positive thinking. The way we think about ourselves and our lives has a huge impact on our overall happiness and success. 

“It’s never too late to make a change in your life.” 

This affirmation is all about the power of transformation. No matter how old we are or how long we’ve been stuck in a certain pattern of behavior, we always have the power to make a change.

“The biggest enemy you have to deal with is yourself. Sometimes you need to get out of your own way.” 

This affirmation is all about the importance of self-awareness and self-reflection. 

Snoop Dogg’s Doggyland and Affirmation song are both examples of his commitment to spreading positive messages and promoting mental health and wellness. 

In a world that can often be stressful and overwhelming, Snoop Dogg’s work reminds us to take care of ourselves and focus on the things that truly matter in our lives.

So the next time you’re feeling down or stressed out, take a page out of Snoop Dogg’s book and focus on positivity; It might just might change your outlook. 

Make sure to read our blog explaining why LeBron James decided to lend his voice for the Calm App.

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