Fantasy Kommander 3: Eukarion Wars (main characters)

Profile photo for Tim Simmons
Acheivement Badges Top Talent


I had the privilege to cast, direct and voice Fantasy Kommander 3 and this sample has me as Endhor (first guy), Lauren Synger as Eladen, me as Yumak (dwarf) and me again as Marcus.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
my lessons is waking. The story is proceeding as we had hoped. My thanks me to you for releasing me. I am called indoor priest Off the absolute must Your name is legendary Will bow before you in humble servitude. For centuries I have been waiting for someone to break the power of the circles and free me. You have my full assistance in bringing down Deva slaw. Damn you! Damn you! Damn you! My only regret is that there are no more to kill. I would like to kill 200,000 more But the Battle of Head Mile is far from over. But goblins and the abyss will yet taste my revenge. Commander, come what may we count ourselves privileged to fight at your side? If we survive, I will baptize you with beer. And when you rise up from that golden river dripping with fermented froth born of the finest war Vin, malted wheat and barley you will be a war Vin warrior. The journey was grueling but our victory was truly magnificent. The enemies who survived are running away towards the empire of the focus. It was an honor and a privilege to fight it. Your side, Commander