


Non-fiction audiobook demo. Demo includes female and male characters as well as children, adult and senior voices. I use a Maine accent in this demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
disheartened. Olivia suspected she knew who the call would be from. She almost didn't want to go back to the beach house. When she did, the phone rang. Justice Claire predicted. How about dinner tonight? Michael? Just Is she suspected? It's a little too soon. We just had dinner last night. I know, but I'm having a little get together at my place tonight. And I thought you'd rather not be all alone. I know Claire. I was working late. She wasn't in the mood for a party. He persisted. It's just a few friends. Give you a chance to meet some of the people of the point. Olivia looked around the kitchen. The house was quiet. The waves washing over the shore sounded peaceful. Olivia? I don't think so. I'm just visiting. I don't need to meet a lot of local people. Thank you. Anyway. No strings. At least come for a drink. She was becoming annoyed. She'd have to have a long talk with Claire about invitations that she was the last to know about. No, thank you. Not tonight. Olivia. Hope she spoke sharply enough that he'd gotten the message. He didn't sound too upset. Okay, change of mind. Just come on over. Olivia hung up the phone. She'd had a pleasant morning, and Michael's interruption irritated her. To try and recapture her earlier mood, she decided to go for a walk this time along the road.