Disney's Planes - Dos & Don'ts of Flying

Movie Trailers


Fully Narrated 60 second TV spot for Disney Channel Domestic and picked up internationally.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Disney's new three D movie planes is here to give you the do's and don't of flying. Don't be afraid of a challenge. Welcome to the wings around the globe were only the best of the best way to do. Be creative with your flight plan. Flu. Don't lose your cool Juma joke. I switched my cape. I do OK. Do watch where you're going. Nasty. Don't get distracted like a sunrise after a lifetime of dark. This I'm just really need some help. You know that, right? Yeah. And do follow the adventures of Dusty and his friends when Disney's Brains hits theaters in three D August night. Rated PG.