British Airways - "Everywhere"

Profile photo for Julian McLaren Poulter
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Radio Commercial voice over for British Airways.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why do people say the world is getting smaller? It isn't, You know, it's as big as it ever wass with as many unique places to visit as there ever were. We should know. At British Airways, we fly to Mortham than most north, south, east and West, more than 140 destinations across the globe. And because we go there, you can go there, too. In fact, our schedules are designed to make it easier for you. Perhaps that's why last year alone, more than 30 million journeys were made with us. So once you've decided where in this big wide world you want to go visit dot com, chances are our big wide network can take you there. Upgrade to British Airways.