British E-Learning

Video Narration


Online elearning program for business associates on the topic of "Negotiating"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when negotiating, How often do things get out of control and you don't get what you want? So how can we do better? The key skill is being able to guide the negotiation process. This is managing how the negotiation is being conducted. If you can do that, you will most likely get what you want. The first step for guiding the process is to understand needs always focus on the other parties needs first, then your own. The big tip is to appreciate that people's needs drive their behaviour. People are motivated by their needs, not by yours. And one thing we can certainly count on is their self interest. This module is all about understanding needs just in time. Hey, when negotiating, how often do things get out of control and you don't get what you want? So how can we do better? The key skill is being able to guide the negotiation process. This is managing how the negotiation is being conducted. If you could do that, you will most likely get what you want. The first step for guiding the process is to understand needs always focus on the other parties needs first. Then you're on The big tip is to appreciate that people's needs drive their behaviour. People are motivated by their needs, not by yours. And one thing we can certainly count on is their self interest. This module is all about understanding needs just in time.