

A recording of an audiobook reading.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
20 days on the green and drain, trained for Andy down there in solitary. It was the second jolt in solitary and is just up with Norton was his first real black mark since he had joined our Happy Family. I'll tell you a little bit about Shawshank Solitary while we're on the subject. It's something of a throwback to those hardy pioneer days of the early to mid 17 hundreds in Maine. In those days, no one wasted much time with such things as penology and rehabilitation and selective perception. In those days you were taking care of in terms of absolute black and white, you rather guilty or innocent. If you were guilty, you rather hung or put in Gaul. And if you were sentenced to go, you did not go to an institution. No, you dug your own goal with a spade provided by the province of Maine. He dug it as wide and as deep as you could during the period between sun up and sundown. Then they gave you a couple of skins in a bucket, and down you went. Once down, the dollar would bar the top of your whole throw down some grain or maybe a piece of Maggie meet once or twice a week, and maybe there would be a dipper full of barley soup. On Sunday night, you ****** in the bucket and you held up the same bucket for water. When the dollar came around at six in the morning when it rained, used the bucket, the bailout, your goal. Sell. Unless, that is, you wanted to drown like a rat in a rain barrel.