Television Documentary



A montage of narrations for various documentaries and documentary series I have recorded.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to step into someone else's shoes and have someone else try on your life for size? This'll is trading places the show, where two families from different parts of the country take over each other's town jobs, homes, hobbies and friends. They're packing their bags for the trading places. Challenge. Mount Everest has lured thousands of climbers hoping to conquer its heights. Many have failed. Hundreds have died. Dave Rodney, a North American climber from the prairies, knows all about that. In the 19 fifties, North America boom, cars, appliances and television sets were transforming the popular landscape in Canada, the influence of life south of the border was pervasive. American music, movies, pop culture icons and, along with all of this, the evolving politics of the Cold War. In science, it is known as the Butterfly Effect, the idea that for every event that occurs, there are much smaller events that multiply over time. Change one small thing and you change everything. Make one small mistake. In the course of a life is altered forever