Opinum Explainer

Video Narration


Measured, explainer read

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
each month you receive utility bills, electricity, water, gas and others. Ever wondered why you were spending so much at OPP in, um, we believe you have the right to know. That's why we've developed a completely new way to make sense of your utility and co two spending for the buildings you and your customers live or work in a week. All this op e sense with poppy cents open, um, secure Web portal you see at a glance where you can act to spend less, our customers reports savings of up to 35%. Poppy sense connects to whatever hardware you use, new or old. And if you need to upgrade our open, um, certified partners will help you optimise your hardware reporting to local authorities. Opie Sense let you create custom made periodical reports and generates them automatically. Imagine the savings. Take control today and contact us at give sense at open, um dot com