Cloudbizz Web Video VO

Video Narration


Web explainer for a cloud technology company

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Steve runs a booming Sammy, but today he wonders about the relocation of his company. He will probably need to replace is obsolete infrastructure. But what about the data? Whatever gets lost in the process, how will his employees work? It's hope he has no choice. His infrastructure needs to evolve. Bill, his manager advisers, to replace the server, configure a new network, set up a data sharing platform on secure everything with a new backup system. But Bill has an idea. What if Steve replaces its old infrastructure with cloud computing? Steve is curious and wants to know more Destination Cloud Airport. He stumbles upon the large amount of cloud providers with Bill. He decides to exclude companies located on the other side of the planet, working in other time zones where the support is provided only by email or in a foreign language. On those offering overpriced services, Steve turns to clouds bits. The leader in Belgium, Sophie welcomes him and explains the benefits of the solution. Server mail. Back up on business software. Cloud bears integrates all the elements necessary for the evolution of his company, a qualitative technical support available at any moment in time. This for a fixed monthly fee. His employees will be able to work everywhere around the clock, accessing their own desktop. That service are hosted an ultra protected data centres. Steve can choose between several services, from business to the first class of graphic professions. Now Steve Khun launch his company with a peaceful mind. Go teo cloud base dot com to discover our solutions or become a reseller.